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Fighter weapon of choice?

This choice always took me forever in BG2 and I thought I'd get some opinions. I'll probably go sword-and-shield, but there are so damn many good swords to choose from. Where do you guys pour your proficiency points?


  • JeivarJeivar Member Posts: 53
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    Pick blunt/crushing weapons. Maybe piercing ones. Slashing weapons don't perform well against Plate armored foes. Only if you intend to use them in BG2.
    Sword & shield is a waste, use your points in other weapons or maybe x2 weapons if you think your character can handle it.
    My advice, pick Sling along with Flail. Morgensterns do a lot of damage and I think there's a +2 in this EE version. Sling get Strength bonus so it's really fitting for a Fighter.
  • FrecheFreche Member Posts: 473
    I don't know all the new weapons implemented but you can get good longswords early.
    I normally give jaheira scimitars. Katana can be a good 2nd weapon spec to pick atleast if planning for bg2.
  • GuarocuyaGuarocuya Member Posts: 26
    edited December 2012
    [spoiler]Early, try to find Ashideena, a Warhammer +2 looted from Bassilus. You can get an early Varscona, Longsword +2 looted from Greywolf (but crushing owns slashing damage) Thre's also a Short Sword +2, from Zargal.

    Other good weapons:
    The Dagger of Venom +2, bought from Thunderhammer. Short Sword of Backstabbing +3, Spiders Bane (use it with Free Action)

    The best "Scimitars" are looted from Drizzt (like Twinkle (+3, AC+2))

    Best ranged weapons are Dead Shot @ Bandit Camp and The Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy +5 in Baldur's Gate proper.

    ToSC expansion has one or two good weapons (including ones that are cursed) such as Bala's Axe or Two Handed Sword +3 [spoiler\]
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