where is a scroll of Ghoul Touch? (spoiler)

It's been so many years since I've played, I'd forgotten that a scroll of Ghoul Touch isn't readily available early on. (Why that is I don't really understand, since there's plenty more powerful spells available.) Thalantyr doesn't sell it. I have a fairly good recollection (?) of eventually finding one in the Cloakwood mines. I'm sure it's also sold in the city of Baldur's Gate. But I was hoping to get the spell a little sooner than that, if anyone knows where I might look (loot drop, chest, etc.) I guess I can CLUA it in if I feel that strong need to have it, but was hoping I could come across it legitimately. (Much as anything can be 'legitimate' for veteran players, given our extensive knowledge of the game.)
I like giving this spell to Neera, actually. My F-M uses it too.
By the way, have you (or anyone else) found that there is a penalty to the caster's THACO when using Ghoul Touch? My Necromancer has the dagger proficiency and her THACO is one point worse than her base when using this spell. I had thought this issue was fixed since they switched to the ToB engine, where Ghoul Touch wasn't based on a weapon proficiency anymore (BG1 required the blunt proficiency in order to use it without a to hit penalty).
Chill Touch neither gives a bonus nor incurs a penalty, but there isn't much incentive to use either of these touch spells since mages have meager THACOs to begin with. Why they would remove the bonuses that were in BG2/ToB is beyond me.
Edit: Yeah, the game still adds the penalty of -1 to THACO when using the spell.