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Jester song

apologies if this kind of thread exists anywhere else, but a quick search returned nothing so,...

anyone else playing a jester? and if so, does your bard song work?

i've been playing and luting and singing my heart out, and nothing. the only one i'm confusing seems to be myself. is my voice really that bad? does my limited knowledge of chords mean those diseased gibberlings can mock me and keep on raging?

plus, when i breifly had Garrick in my party, i'm not totally convinced his little ditties did anything either...soooo to stop the incessant chatter ('tis such a pain behind the eyes!) is everyone else's bards happily doing their job. oir do i just suck?


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2012
    I saw your post earlier but did not get a chance to respond. Looks like it got pushed down into the forum pit of doom (also known as past page 2 and almost past page 3). :D

    The jester song basically causes enemies near the jester to roll (at a penalty of 4 to their saving rolls) to stop from being put under the effects of confusion. Part of the problem is range. It doesn't have very far range (from what I can tell at most 10 feet in game but that might be pushing it). You don't have to be hugging enemies but they can't be just within your line of sight for it to work. But it is actually effective against gibberlings. The biggest benefit of it is that it causes enemies to scatter, allowing you to deal with them on a more individual level, as well as it causing enemies to occasionally attack each other.

    As for Garrick, well, to be honest I have not played a regular bard in some time. I think in BGEE their songs their main benefit is that it restores morale and keeps your characters protected from fear (it also removes fear).
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