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Are there good katana's in this game?

I have a kensai mage, wondering which route to go down, DW Longsword or Katana, i guess what matters is whether i can get any decent ones in this game. if i use this toon for BG2 EE, i think katana kensai mage is epic with those drak katana for extra spells.


  • VaryahenVaryahen Member Posts: 224
    In the original BG 1, there is no katanas, so the answer is no. But i suppose there will be a few new weapons in the game...maybe a few new katanas.

    Good luck.
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    There is Katana +1 for sure.

    It's at the end of Cloakwood mines, in the room where Daevorn is.
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