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Old School AD&D Art Portraits/Avatars

Well, after quite a bit of time spent in mind-numbingly dull drudgery, I finally managed to convert all of my old AD&D BG portraits into the new format. Hopefully these will be appreciated...enjoy :)


  • whisper2053whisper2053 Member Posts: 12
    Judging by the download activity I was just looking at via my mediafire account info, I would say that appreciated is not the word for it. Glad I could help, guys :)
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    edited December 2012
    I haven't looked, but as people have downloaded and not said thanks, Let it be known I thank you :)

    You could add them to the Dropbox that @TiaxRulesAll has created for everyone on the forums to use? There are 300+ sets on there at the moment, you may see something you like :)
  • publiquePNpubliquePN Member Posts: 1
    Thanks for these, appreciated.
  • whisper2053whisper2053 Member Posts: 12
    Holy cow guys! I just checked my stats and the downloads are through the roof...54,000+! I am just happy that everyone is getting use out of these :)

    Uploaded with
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963
  • whisper2053whisper2053 Member Posts: 12
    edited December 2012
    There is a preview button on each one and a scrollable gallery once you enter preview mode. What more do you need?
  • LordsDarkKnight185LordsDarkKnight185 Member Posts: 615
    Top notch man, thanks alot. :)
  • MikePXPMikePXP Member Posts: 54
    Thanks for sharing these!
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    I can't believe thousands downloaded your file yet didn't thank you? Maybe they got the link via Google though... Anyway, nice work and a question: did you mass convert the portraits or did you do change them one by one?
  • whisper2053whisper2053 Member Posts: 12
    One by one lol. Hence the mind-numbing comment :P
  • pekirtpekirt Member Posts: 111
    edited December 2012
    Whisper, I'm just downloading the stuff now, along with everything on TiaxRulesAll's dropbox. Haven't tested anything yet, but thanks a lot! It was partly the time I spent on this stuff (character building, customization etc.) that made this game a cut (several cuts!) above the others way back when I played the original.

    (Edit: Spelling)
    Post edited by pekirt on
  • RazZZzzZzoRRRazZZzzZzoRR Member Posts: 1
    whisper2053, I salute you on a job good done !! \../
  • whisper2053whisper2053 Member Posts: 12
    Thanks guys! I had no clue that so many people would find this stuff useful, wow! I am just happy to share :)
  • AcebandgAcebandg Member Posts: 1
    i couldn't have asked for more! these are essentials! now just need to get more voice over sets
  • MerryMerry Member Posts: 9
    Amazing! Thank you!
  • whisper2053whisper2053 Member Posts: 12
    Many thanks to all you guys for making the effort put into it worthwhile :)
  • OsigoldOsigold Member Posts: 117
    I was looking for some traditional D&D style artwork to use for a group of four custom characters that I wanted to make, and thanks to your hard work I now have fitting and attractive pictures for them all! Thanks very much.
  • whisper2053whisper2053 Member Posts: 12
    No problem, glad I could help!
  • drakescar9drakescar9 Member Posts: 65
    does it have awesome drow pictures?
  • whisper2053whisper2053 Member Posts: 12
    A teensy bit late (haha), but yes, there are awesome drow pictures :D
  • ThalamondThalamond Member Posts: 116
    edited November 2013
    Now, with the new patch, you only need 1 big picture for each avatar. Any chance for a fix to this? I know we can manually do it, but.. :-)
  • whisper2053whisper2053 Member Posts: 12
    edited December 2013
    I'll see what I can do! It might be a bit, but I will work on getting them uploaded with the changes :)

    Edit: What exactly needs to be changed to make them current with the latest patch?
  • ReshiReshi Member Posts: 1
    These look great! Thanks for the work :D
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