Bisexual romance
Member Posts: 87
Soo, who is it? No spoilers, I am just trying to decide whether to ditch the monk or not...
@Bomimo That's an unfair assumption on him dude.
Also each to their own, just can not fathom why anyone would be attracted to a gay ork
1. If you do not see how this remark is homophobic than I guess there's no point in explaining it to you.
With your second remark I unfortunately agree. Hence the "That's disappointing" remark I made earlier.
And "that assassin" was bi-sexual and not raging about anything. He was very cool-headed.
Let's not do this again folks. There has been enough conflict over these issues. Enjoy the game and enjoy the fact that one way or another people are getting what they want from the new game.
I realized that nothing anybody says will ever make anyone happy and comparing hay to grass like this is just going to hurt people's feelings. It's time for us all to be harmony.
The fact is that most of the time people don't mean things the way you think they do. We can't all be sad about what people say on this forum all the time because nobody will get any joy from the place.
Bigotry comes in more than just the form of unacceptance. It comes in the form of forcing acceptance onto other people. Or even, justifying acceptance in places where there are no people rebelling against it.
Or to use a quote from the Talmud - "He who is merciful to the cruel, may find himself cruel to the merciful"
At any rate there can be no comparison between discrimination and bigotry and the rejection of that vile pair.