difficulty setting

Alas there's no BGConfig in BGEE, just an ini-file, but I just reached my first level-up in the game and noticed I got full hp at level-up, i.e.: the default difficulty setting is 'normal' instead of 'core AD&D rules' in the BGEE default settings. Just thought I should warn anyone else playing, who didn't notice it yet. It was the same in vanilla BG, but you noticed it easier there as you opened BGConfig after installation for tweaking.
It can be adjusted by going to baldur.ini in My Documents>Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, and unlike the vanilla baldur.ini, this one is best viewed not with notepad, but with Wordpad (talking Windows here, but the default difficulty is cross-platform the same I suppose, therefore I post in General). Go to 'difficulty level' and change '2' (=normal), to '3' (=core).
It can be adjusted by going to baldur.ini in My Documents>Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, and unlike the vanilla baldur.ini, this one is best viewed not with notepad, but with Wordpad (talking Windows here, but the default difficulty is cross-platform the same I suppose, therefore I post in General). Go to 'difficulty level' and change '2' (=normal), to '3' (=core).
From my experience so far, all four apply and I will need to restart the game.
I hope with Core difficulty the monsters groups will be bigger as well, when I met a diseased gibberling, it was a single one, when I met a kobold, it was a single one. With Tutu, I'm used to be scared out of my wits on the Lion's Way with my first level character as they come in groups of 6, and sometimes several groups converging on the same spot because of calls for help.
It will all be just trying out the game and no real fun anyway till Hard Times and Sword Coast Stratagems are made compatible and help to make the game harder.
Same as before.
Hmmmm... it is possible however that core was the default and I was annoyed that core wasn't normal or actually that normal wasn't core - that the devs seemed to think that the "normal" player needed his game nerfed from core in order to play...
Damn, there should be just options to tick:
- Maximum HP per level
- Spells learned automaticaly
- No perma death
So everyone could play the exactly way they like. I like normal setting, but 3/4 damage is too low :S