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Despawning Enemies

So what's the deal with despawning mobs? I happened to me quite a few times. I get killed by some enemy and after I reload the game that particular enemy is gone. One time a bandit got even replaced with a Xvart.

I find this to be pretty annoying to be honest.


  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    No, that has always been there. A lot of mobs spawn randomly, so I you reload, you may get a different mob in its place.
  • SteezySteezy Member Posts: 11
    Hmm, maybe my memory is clouded since I've always played the BGT version of BG1.

    Still, here's something to fix Overhaul :D
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    It have been always like that.

    But one thing should be slightly tweaked: spawn timer. Monsters spawns too often. I turn my back and *puff* monster is magically back in his room.
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