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Ok so i kinda lost imoen (dont know where i left her). So my question (or maybe questions) is either:

1. where can i find her again (i thought i droped her in the friendly inn but cant find her there)?


2. What thief should i get, cause montaron cant pick locks (or is this a bug)??


  • DreamingViksDreamingViks Member Posts: 87
    :// that sucks. Montaron can pick locks though, maybe he just has a lower score than your imoen did?

    As for new thiefs, Safana is a good pick :). She is basically a light version of imoen really.

    There will be awhile before you encounter any other thievs....
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    Safana is Open Locks + Find Traps. Very good alternative. There's Alora too, but she's in BG with Open Locks + Pickpockets. Then there's Coran with Open Locks + Stealth. Montaron is Stealth + Pickpocket. These last two are multiclassed so you won't gain skills very quickly. Otherwise you can dual-class Shar Teel to Thief. Skie and Tiax are balanced but also are in BG.
  • SiiggeeSiiggee Member Posts: 7
    well then my montaron must be bugged, cause he can only find traps. the button for lock picks/disable traps are faded and cant be used :(
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    Safana is in the middle of the light-house map, btw. Lighthouse is two areas south of Candlekeep btw. Careful, though. Charm throwing sirens make that map their home.
  • TuckerTucker Member Posts: 16
    edited December 2012
    Siiggee said:

    well then my montaron must be bugged, cause he can only find traps. the button for lock picks/disable traps are faded and cant be used :(

    you might need to add a pick lock button to his action bar because he's a multi class i think he might not have room in his action bar for all the thief skills alliteratively u can find the quick button for open locks or make one in the options menu select him and press the key binding hope that helps or also he might need to change his armor because he can only pick locks in light armor

  • Could be that you are useing an armor the disable the button?
  • VelkirVelkir Member Posts: 70
    Thats why I always keep a leash on my Imoen that way she dosent get lost :P
  • SiiggeeSiiggee Member Posts: 7

    Could be that you are useing an armor the disable the button?

    wow i am retarded, ye i gave him a new shiny splint mail.... thanks mate for pointing it out that im retarded :)
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    Siiggee said:

    Ok so i kinda lost imoen (dont know where i left her). So my question (or maybe questions) is either:

    1. where can i find her again (i thought i droped her in the friendly inn but cant find her there)?


    2. What thief should i get, cause montaron cant pick locks (or is this a bug)??

    If you have him in armor higher than studded leather, his thieving abilities will be disabled.
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    Elendar said:

    Siiggee said:

    Ok so i kinda lost imoen (dont know where i left her). So my question (or maybe questions) is either:

    1. where can i find her again (i thought i droped her in the friendly inn but cant find her there)?


    2. What thief should i get, cause montaron cant pick locks (or is this a bug)??

    If you have him in armor higher than studded leather, his thieving abilities will be disabled.
    BUT! The Drizzt armor works fine! ;)
    I hope that he is ok without his armor... And both scimitars... And his head.
  • VelkirVelkir Member Posts: 70
    Yeah I always steal his stuff even on my "Good" party...thatll teach him to act so pompous in "MY GAME"
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    Kirkor said:

    Elendar said:

    Siiggee said:

    Ok so i kinda lost imoen (dont know where i left her). So my question (or maybe questions) is either:

    1. where can i find her again (i thought i droped her in the friendly inn but cant find her there)?


    2. What thief should i get, cause montaron cant pick locks (or is this a bug)??

    If you have him in armor higher than studded leather, his thieving abilities will be disabled.
    BUT! The Drizzt armor works fine! ;)
    I hope that he is ok without his armor... And both scimitars... And his head.

    Suppose I ought to get around to killing Drizzt and giving Montaron the armor, then... :P
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