Do you always play with a full 6?

Are you one of those people who's a 'few characters short of a party'?
That's not slang for 'not all right in the head'. I mean do you prefer 4 rather than 6 party members? Or less.
That's not slang for 'not all right in the head'. I mean do you prefer 4 rather than 6 party members? Or less.
Basically, you need 4 roles/classes :
1) warrior- best if pure warrior/paladin/ranger/barbarian meatshield
2) divine caster - pick cleric over druid. good option to multi/dual class with warrior or mage
3) thief - open locks/find traps. if he can fight/backstab or lay traps- even better
4) mage -... no comment here
in BG1, you can do with the first three. I beat the game once without a mage...difficult, but a good strategy challenge. but having a mage is better and Imoen is so easily dual-able to thief/mage that it'd be a shame not to use that. a mage can be substituted a bit by a bard, but I personally don't think them being effective in neither in fight or casting. they can do as a buffer when you are playing with 6 people, but we are talking about challenge of playing with 4.
my most favourite 4-man setups
1) good: Minsc (warrior), Jaheira (healer/warrior), Imoen (thief/mage) + charname (any)
2) evil : Kagain (awesome warrior), Viconia (healer), Edwin (mage) + charname (thief/multiclass with thief. assasin is a good pick here) - easiest setup just due to the fact that evil chars are overpowered a bit.
3) mixed : charname (warrior), Imoen (thief/mage), Viconia (healer), + Minsc/Kivan/anyone else of any alignment.
4) mixed, physical meelee: Viconia+Imoen or Quayle to cover healing+ mage utility and charname (warrior type) + some other warrior.
...what's your 4-man party setup combo?
Kivan for an archer/ Imoen for a thief-mage/ then may be Quayle as a secondary caster. OR
Coran for an archer/Branwen/Dynahier/Minsc.
Since good cleric/mages are in short supply I would play that then rearrrange the above so have
Yeslick - one of the best fighters and clerics in the game. Imoen as thief-mage and Kivan for arrows.
You end up with a combo of 2 fighters, 2 mages, 2 clerics and 1 thief. That's more than enough.
Things are different with the NPC Mod for BG1 as they all become much more fun. I also had a tactics mod that moved late NPCs like Quayle to Naskell Carnival so he became a better option.
Yes, max party interaction ftw.