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Non-removable item being dropped...

BartimaeusBartimaeus Member Posts: 15
edited December 2012 in Fixed
Current Behavior: If a non-removable item, (i.e. Familiar), is located in the first inventory slot, (top far-left inventory slot), and the inventory is full, when an item is added via dialogue, (i.e. Larry's, Darryl's, and Darryl's signature note), the non-removable item is forced out of the inventory and on to the ground.

Expected Behavior: If a non-removable item, (i.e. Familiar), is located in the first inventory slot, (top far-left inventory slot), and the inventory is full, when an item is added via dialogue, (i.e. Larry's, Darryl's, and Darryl's signature note), the non-removable item should stay in inventory, and instead the next non-removable item should be dropped instead.

Priority Level: Extremely low, because you can pick it back up again just fine.
Post edited by Balquo on


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