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Something appears to be amiss with multiclass xp.

I've got two multiclass characters in my Dark Pits campaign. Mage/Priest got capped at lvl8/lvl8, 12500 xp each, but my Fighter/Ilusionist got all the way to lvl9/lvl10, 250000 xp!


  • fanestfanest Member Posts: 15
    hmm this is disturbing cuz i just started playing with mage/cleric
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    Dark pits isnt BG1 and it is using a seperate level based cap it seems. But that seems to be bugged.
  • gogopostgogopost Member Posts: 19
    edited December 2012
    Yes, I think there is something wrong with Black Pits. I've a fighter dualed at lvl 5 into mage that got to 9th level and is capped there. Another fighter dualed at lvl 4 into cleric that also got capped at lvl 9. Cleric/Mage also appears so be at same xp. cap at lvl8/lvl8, its only that Fighter/Ilusionist that went to lvl9/lvl10.

    Maybe he got so high because he is designated 'protagonist' of the party? He is also the only one able to summon Familiar.

    Its ether that, or Gnomes gets a extra xp. bonus thanks to that bogus -2 on Wisdom. :D
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