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Evil Party Advice

After having played through other versions of Balddurs gate as a goody 2 shoes, i feel as if it's time to try some evil on for size, but i need advice, i'm playing an evil monk. who should i pick up for a evil party?


  • monitomonito Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2012
    Edwin. Edwin a thousand times. Also, the great and majestic Tiax (who rules from on high) might take pity on you and accompany you for a short while. I've heard rave reviews of Dorn, though I have yet to have him in my party himself. I'll have to ask Tiax if he can join my party. Viconia is another good choice, as she breaks the cliche that Drow are misunderstood do-gooders, instead she's a
  • DrEastDrEast Member Posts: 113
    Viconia is a different FLAVOR of evil from the stereotypical drow, though. That's important.
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