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Scroll tube

Is there a container for scrolls in BG:EE?
I've found one for gems and for potions, but not for scrolls. It would be VERY useful, as I like to collect quest scrolls and books :P


  • DrEastDrEast Member Posts: 113
    If you use BG2 Tweaks (after fixing weidu) you can put one up for sale by Thalantyr, I know that much.
  • DMCDMC Member Posts: 44
    I'd kill for a scroll tube... I'm trying very hard to play through without any tweaks, add-ons, or cheats right now, and unfortunately I am sorely tempted to Shadowkeeper add-in a scroll case, just cause there's so little inventory room for all the prot scrolls you gain.
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    edited December 2012
    DrEast said:

    If you use BG2 Tweaks (after fixing weidu) you can put one up for sale by Thalantyr, I know that much.

    Talanthyr is very good vendor to place such item. To be honest, I've gone straight to him, almost sure that he has the scroll tube.
    Would be nice, if Beamdog put it in there... Or at least at Rasaads inventory?
  • drjekldrjekl Member Posts: 35
    Has anyone confirmed that there is a scroll tube in the unmodded game?
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    edited December 2012
    There is none, I'm afraid.
  • MitchellMitchell Member Posts: 28
    On a related note, are there any Bags of Holding? It seems strange to me to add a potion case and gem bag, but not a scroll case or bag of holding.
  • TwisterroTwisterro Member Posts: 3
    Scroll case is available. You may use a little cheat to get it, because I have no idea where to find/buy it.
    CLUAConsole:CreateItem("bag03", 1)
    Will do the trick (you have to set console on in baldur.ini).
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    Well, Bag of Holding would be too much for low-magic campaign.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Having a Bag of Holding in BG 1 would be not unlike having the Flail of Ages. The lack of a scroll case, however, is rather inconvenient I agree, especially considering I can't get Shadowkeeper to work on EE.
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