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Any Advice To Increase Challenge

Hi everyone. Ive been playing BG1 ever since its first release. Its my favourite game ever. Its so good, I don't really want to win it :)
Infact Ive only ever reached the city of Baldur's Gate once! Therefore Ive yet to play BG2! I set myself conditions to make the game harder, and I was hoping some of you guys and girls might have some other suggestions to make my playthrough of BG enhanced even more challenging. Below are my current 'rules' for a more challenging game.

I never reload.....ever.....If my main character dies thats the end of the game.
I never reroll starting stats. First roll always counts. (though I do juggle the numbers around ie lower one stat and increase another) Maybe I should stop juggling the stats and just accept the initial roll as my character stats. Any thoughts?
I usually play a fighter/mage/cleric so I rarely level up and have low hit points and have to play really cautiously.
I dont sleep to replenish spells....feels cheating.....I sleep when me team are tired.
New rule since mage familiar because it seems overpowered giving me level 1 character a squillion extra hit points and access to the familiar spells.
No auto pause.....again it feels like a cheat. And when I play with no autopause it means I have to be really alert in case a monster appears and starts attacking!.

Anyone got any other suggestions to make the game tougher? Thanks :)


  • DrEastDrEast Member Posts: 113
    The creator of SCS is working on a BG:EE compatible version. That tends to ramp up the difficulty significantly, and mostly through AI improvements.
  • mercurymeltdownmercurymeltdown Member Posts: 49
    Maybe limit your team or go solo? I dunno, sounds pretty difficult already! :P
  • siliconpsychosissiliconpsychosis Member Posts: 32
    Yeah thanks DrEast. Im definately looking forward that mod! :)
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    No reload run?

    No armor run?

    Custom party with weak stats run?

    Permadeath run?

  • siliconpsychosissiliconpsychosis Member Posts: 32
    Thanks for the reply Mungri. I already play no reload. No armour just seems unrealistic. I want a challenge that is also believable from a roleplay point of view.
    Custom party doesnt feel in the spirit of the game. I want to win the game as it was meant to be won it. Atleast first time through :)
    Whats permadeath mean exactly Mungri?
  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    Recruit Garrick. Just having him around is harder than a solo run. ;P
  • DrEastDrEast Member Posts: 113
    Permadeath: Dead people get the party boot, not resurrected.
  • siliconpsychosissiliconpsychosis Member Posts: 32
    lol nice one Kilroy :)
    That sounds like a very good idea DrEast. Proper scary idea in fact. I might well use that permadeath rule on my next playthrough today. Thankyou :)
  • FalkonSwiftbladeFalkonSwiftblade Member Posts: 51
    well I would say you're doing it right if you can't beat it as of yet- but you want it even tougher... Why make it even more harder? However if you want, why not play a different class. Monks are very hard, especially early on. I don't know how to give you advice really since you don't have an objective or goal. If it was something like I want to beat the final boss at level 5 or below thats one thing, but to not be able to get through the game now I just think it's silly to ask for ways to make it tougher.
  • siliconpsychosissiliconpsychosis Member Posts: 32
    lol good post Falkon. I totally see your logic. Call me mad, but its just the way I play :)
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    Also in permadeath if your character dies its game over and start again, as well as no resurrecting of dead npcs.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645

    No armour just seems unrealistic.

    Then make a team of kensais and mages :)
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    Make a team of just thieves... perhaps multiclass thieves.

    Take a shot of whiskey each time a character dies / Each ambush.
  • siliconpsychosissiliconpsychosis Member Posts: 32
    lol thats just silly Medulla :) I dont wanna build a team from scratch. I wanna use the NPC's and play the game through with those before going to such an extreme. Though maybe in the future I might build a team from the beginning and try such a thing as all thieves. But for now, extra challenges but in the spirit of the vanilla game :)
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    Ok, add Eldoth, Skie, Garrick, Xan, and Faldorn to your group.
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    Hey, ambush-whiskey is TOTALLY legitimate! :P

    Once, I took a shot every time I died in a multiplayer FPS. That session quickly became more entertaining than it should have :P
  • aXidalaXidal Member Posts: 61
    Roleplay a character with a phobia of magic items ;)
  • siliconpsychosissiliconpsychosis Member Posts: 32
    edited December 2012
    With everyones suggestions so far heres my current personal challenge. I might add more suggestions if I hear any. Bear in mind I never won the game before :)

    1...No reload ever
    2...No rerolling the dice or even changing the stats. Use totally pure dice roll as stats.
    3...Fighter/mage/thief with no mage familiar (love the triple class lack of HP's) :)
    4...Permanent death for Npc's......No resurrections (This is a really twisted challenge....I like it...Thanks Mungri :) )
    5...No silly resting unless tired or if it feels legitimate from a roleplaying perspective.
    6...No autopause......that way I stay alert like Im real life scouting for threats :)

  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    aXidal said:

    Roleplay a character with a phobia of magic items ;)

    You mean make a wizard slayer?
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