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Dual-Classing Crash at Level 9

WholesaleWNGWholesaleWNG Member Posts: 7
edited April 2013 in Not An Issue
I created a Kensai character and leveled him to 9 in the Black Pits, then exported him and started a new main game. My plan was to dual class him and play through as a level 1 mage, and when he finally hit 9 he would be a monster. However when I click the dual-class button and try to switch, a screen pops up for 'select memorized spells' and the top of the screen says 'spells level 10' or something and there is nothing to click on. The game is essentially frozen as there's no way to back out of this menu. Anyone able to work around this?
Post edited by Aedan on


  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    Spells level 10, now that's weird. Dualing should start back from level 1, i guess ? Registered.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    edited December 2012
    This didn't happen to me. Tried all levels up to level 10 Kensai.
    We need a saved game to investigate this further.
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