Okay, I give up, spoil me - getting Dorn to join (spoilers!)

First let me say that as great as these Vanilla forums are, they are sorely in need of an advanced search function. I tried to search for this in the search box every way I could think of, but to no avail.
Some sort of condition clearly needs to be met for Dorn to join. I've spoken with him at the FAI, and he tells me to bugger off. I don't want to waste exploration of a lot of the game's maps without Dorn, searching in vain for whatever will get him to join.
I've gotten some hints from a Google search, although almost nothing comes up in search results as yet. From the one result I did find, best I can tell, getting Dorn's quest apparently involves an encounter with a group of bandits; and this takes place after completing the Nashkel mines. (From Dorn's backstory I would assume that's likely the same band of brigands he used to run with, and now seeks revenge upon. But I guess I'll find out soon enough.)
Anyway, I cleared the Nashkel mines and went ahead and completed the Bandit Camp. Found nothing new along the lines mentioned above.
How do I satisfy whatever condition gets Dorn to join? I have lots of archived saves along the way, so I can go back to some earlier point if needed.
Thanking you in advance!
Some sort of condition clearly needs to be met for Dorn to join. I've spoken with him at the FAI, and he tells me to bugger off. I don't want to waste exploration of a lot of the game's maps without Dorn, searching in vain for whatever will get him to join.
I've gotten some hints from a Google search, although almost nothing comes up in search results as yet. From the one result I did find, best I can tell, getting Dorn's quest apparently involves an encounter with a group of bandits; and this takes place after completing the Nashkel mines. (From Dorn's backstory I would assume that's likely the same band of brigands he used to run with, and now seeks revenge upon. But I guess I'll find out soon enough.)
Anyway, I cleared the Nashkel mines and went ahead and completed the Bandit Camp. Found nothing new along the lines mentioned above.
How do I satisfy whatever condition gets Dorn to join? I have lots of archived saves along the way, so I can go back to some earlier point if needed.
Thanking you in advance!
Spoilery answer:
Then, just continue your journey. An event will happen just before you get to Nashkel (You'll think you've been accosted by bandits), and Dorn will appear. After a short fight, he'll offer to join you.
I had Imoen on board, and first added Xzar and Monty, then Khalid and Jaheira. We journeyed south one map at a time.
I didn't speak to Dorn first, though, not realizing he was even there at the FAI, if that matters.
Oy. Maybe I'll go back to a save right after I picked up J & K and see if it happens as I head south towards Nashkel...
As mentioned I have cleared the Nashkel mines and completed the Bandit Camp, launching chapter 4. Shouldn't this encounter have happened by now?
Try talking to him now, and then travel to the Nashkel Mines, and see if the encounter happens. I'm genuinely curious now.
Okay, I took the long walk along the Coast Way from FAI. The encounter did fire as I traveled from the village of Nashkel to the Nashkel mines.
As mentioned, I had spoken to Dorn--but after having completed the Nashkel mines, not prior to.
This is still workable. I still have most of the game ahead of me: the great majority of the wilderness maps, Cloakwood and everything north of it (except for the Bandit Camp), the ToSC quests, etc. I'm just starting chapter 4, and have cleared no maps other than what is minimally required by the main plot.
If the encounter where Dorn becomes joinable is
1) dependent upon speaking first to Dorn at the FAI, and,
2) the encounter only fires directly upon approaching the Nashkel mines,
then that is very problematic. Because first of all, not every player is going notice Dorn standing there in the FAI. And secondly, after one completes the Nashkel mines, who's going to head to that map again?
I think it makes the most sense to have Dorn's joinable encounter fire upon leaving the FAI map (destination irrelevant) after conversation has been initiated with him.
I think it would make more sense logically, as well. This scenario assumes that the bandits are nearby the FAI. Perhaps they're looking to cash in on the iron crisis not only by robbing caravans but also by preying on other bandits. Anyway that establishes why Dorn, who is in pursuit of this band, is also at the FAI. Dorn might even have tracked them to the area and is waiting out for them at FAI, figuring they'll show up there. And perhaps when you introduce yourself, he figures your party either looks like easy pickins' for the bandits, or looks well equipped, whichever is the case. Either way your party seems to be a good target. So he follows you on a hunch. And sure enough, the bandits appear.
Anyway, imvho something like that would probably make more sense than the way it is currently written. And you're then assured of not missing out on having the opportunity to have him join, if you do speak with him.
Where exactly is he supposed to be standing? And does this mean I've forfeited the opportunity to have him in my party? Please tell me this isn't another blunder from Overhaul.
A) When I did not speak with Dorn first, when I entered the Nashkel mines area the encounter did not fire.
So it does appear that is how it is written. But it doesn't explain why some players who never spoke with Dorn at all are having the encounter fire much later. I guess it must go on a timer if one hasn't spoken with Dorn prior to visiting the Nashkel mines map?