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NPCs updated with BG2/TOB features

Even though we have all these new kits and classes and other awesome stuff from later games, it would seem, like it did in TuTu in the first place, that all the folks in the first game are as they used to be. Would it be possible to grant them some things from the later games? For instance, I do think Ajantis could work as an inquisitor, what with having been trained by Keldorn and so forth, and Shar-Teel could use another weapon and a berserker kit.

This is the sort of stuff I always did with the Level 1 NPCs mod, but who knows how long it takes before these things are all available for BG:EE, and either way it would be nice to get some official word on the matter.


  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    This is something that was considered, but decided that it would open too big of a can of worms (it was impossible for everyone to agree on what kit should be assigned to which character).

    That said, you can still use Shadowkeeper to modify them once they're in your party; and if you've got NearInfinity, you can export their .cre files and edit them before you even meet them.

    To get Shadowkeeper to work, you'll want to copy the Characters and Save folders from Documents into the installation directory, and you'll want to make a copy of dialog.tlk there as well (from \lang\en_us\). You may or may not also have to copy the baldur.ini file.

    I recommend creating a hard link to the dialog.tlk and a junction to the characters and saves folders (possibly baldur.ini as well), which will make it so you don't have to copy and re-copy your files every time you edit them.

    For a hard link:
    Copy the file you want to link to, and paste it into the install directory, and then open a command window in that same folder (Shift-right-click and select "Open Command Window"), and then type:
    mklink /H "dialog.tlk" "\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk"

    For a junction:
    Open a command window (don't copy the folders!) as above, and type:
    mklink /J "save" "C:\user\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\save"

    (repeat for "characters" and "baldur.ini")

    That should get it working for you, which will allow you to modify the NPCs to your heart's content. :)

    (if you modify the .cre file, put it in the Override folder [you may have to create this yourself] in the install directory, which will allow the game to use your updated version.)
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    Much appreciated. I never used Shadowkeeper because Level 1 NPCs did the same thing better, but I suppose it'll be the best I can get for this.
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    Hmm. It doesn't seem I can get it to work. It keeps saying it's unable to locate the required stuff, in spite of having copied the necessary files.
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