Are evil parties feasible and worth using?

Hey ppl,
So i recently got the EE and it's got me thinking about all kinds of BG things. One thing I have 'NEVER' done is play through the game or BG2 or TB with an evil character or party. From playing through the game a few times before it does seem slightly more swayed to the good or neutral types of characters.
That said, are evil parties feasible, fun and worth using?
I realise i have NEVER used some of the evil npc's for any great length. Edwin, Shar-Teel etc and I may have missed out
I guess in reality i'm a neutral kind of person but I also like justice so I normally end up going down a good path minus destroying a few ppl who annoy me etc.
I kinda assume you have to do horrible things as an evil party and that some of the npc's are not the nicest/fun to have in your party?
So yer, what are your opinions on doing an evil playthrough and having an evil party/tips and advice?
As my name gives away i'll probs end up being a brutal half orc like Dorn or possibly an evil sorcerer or fighter/cleric
So i recently got the EE and it's got me thinking about all kinds of BG things. One thing I have 'NEVER' done is play through the game or BG2 or TB with an evil character or party. From playing through the game a few times before it does seem slightly more swayed to the good or neutral types of characters.
That said, are evil parties feasible, fun and worth using?
I realise i have NEVER used some of the evil npc's for any great length. Edwin, Shar-Teel etc and I may have missed out

I guess in reality i'm a neutral kind of person but I also like justice so I normally end up going down a good path minus destroying a few ppl who annoy me etc.
I kinda assume you have to do horrible things as an evil party and that some of the npc's are not the nicest/fun to have in your party?
So yer, what are your opinions on doing an evil playthrough and having an evil party/tips and advice?
As my name gives away i'll probs end up being a brutal half orc like Dorn or possibly an evil sorcerer or fighter/cleric
But I think this quote will answer most your questions
CHARNAME (Neutral Evil female elf figher/mage)
Dorn (Neutral Evil Half-Orc blackguard)
Montaron (Neutral Evil halfling fighter/thief)
Viconia (Neutral Evil elf Cleric)
Safana (Chaotic Neutral human Thief)
Neera (Chaotic Neutral half/elf wild mage)
I may swap Neera for Ediwn later, though am enjoying having her in my party for now
Montaron (Xzar is a nice statue in the basilisc garden)
My main is a fighter/mage and i'm at the bandit camp...
I plan to drop montaron and viconia when i get Tiax and to bring kagain (with strength belt and dexterity gauntlets) and Edwin at that point.
The general premise of the game is awesome and really fits with either a good or bad protagonist. As mentioned, evil people don't necessarily do horrible things. But the game plot and subplot has many situations not designed with an evil protagonist in mind. This will force you out of any chance to roleplay.
If you want to be evil you require two things:
- Keep an eye on Reputation. Being the case the original games never cared much to include NPCs (shops, subquests, towns, etc) suitable for low reputation parties, you will constantly have to make decisions that go against your protagonist nature just to keep a single number above the water line. I blame the Reputation mechanics as the major reason why evil parties don't work (from a plot point-of-view) on both BG games.
- Because of the above, you are best off not to try to roleplay your game experience. Play the game instead with an eye for stats and how you can abuse the rules of the game world.
It's being said that some of the best and most rewarding NPCs of the game are evil ones. It's a shame really that we aren't offered a world/plot where an evil protagonist will comfortably fit in. But, in all honesty, this has been a problem to this day. Every game presenting itself as capable of handling both evil and good characters always fails to do so on equal grounds.
The only "best" NPC that you miss out on is probably Imoen. Furthermore, Imoen will stick with you even through low rep, and you can plausibly take her under a RP paradigm as well. (who say evil characters can't have affection?)
Shar-Teel can be dualed to thief if you want a good evil single class option, and it helps hide her low Con. Also gives you complete control over thieving skills, which is nice.
Eldoth is better than Garrick, if you really want a bard, plus his poison arrows are a treat.
Tiax is a treat for his dialogue alone, but he isn't a terrible char from a power perspective either. Clubs and quarterstaves both can backstab.
Of course, you have Dorn. Dorn is a beast. Fantastic stats and a good kit. My TN char has him in his party right now.
CHARNAME: human fighter/cleric NE
Imoen (I like the thought of corrupting her long before BG"
So far they have an answer for pretty much everything I put them through. Keeping my Rep at 6-7 in order to get the 'evil' Bhallspawn gifts and cutscenes too.
My party:
Chimeris, my LE half-elf sorcerer
Dorn, NE half-orc blackguard
Kagain, LE dwarf fighter
Viconia, NE drow cleric
Montaron, NE halfling fighter/thief
Edwin, LE human mage.
They are a really mean combination to be around, especially if you've got a red ring around your feet
Or you can just install a "party members don't quit" mod and play with a bunch of grumbling evils all the time. That's what I'm doing this time around. And yeah, there are some deadly evil NPCs. Dorn is a monster (though I imagine any half-orc fighter THAC0 class would be...but still, he probably lands hits more than the entire rest of my party -combined-, even my dual-wielding blade while he's offensive spinning), and if you stick Edwin with Evermemory he can cast scads of first-level spells. Viconia's high dex makes her a great back-line cleric. I'm too much of a pussy to ditch Imoen, but I'm open for suggestions on whom to take over Branwen. Quayle, maybe?
Anyway, I'm runing an Evil party and dual classed Shar Teel to steal from stores. But, wtf?! So far, no stores allow stealing? Beregost, Friendly Arm Inn, High Edge, none allow it. Obviously, with my Reputation of 1 prices skyrocket. So I guess I will have to buy off some Reputation. But since Flaming Fists keep spawning, I'm not sure I should do it without a lot of money.
I took an elf fighter/mage multi, am not a big fan of dual classing, I want to level up in both classes through both BGEE and BG2EE.
my party is:
charname : human blackguard NE maintank
Dorn offtank
coran on trap duty using a bow
Viconia main heal
branwen off heal crow control
Edwin best mage
In the BG series, 98% of the time reputation is what determines whether you're good or evil in practice. It determines whether you get the 'good' Bhaalspawn powers or the 'bad' Bhaalspawn powers. It determines whether the world treats you as a hero or a menace.
In short, a proper evil playthrough should always be played with a low reputation. 6 is the ideal for me.