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Aiuto romance

Ho bisogno di un aiutino con la romance con Neera. Cosa gli devo rispondere?


  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2012
    My italian is pretty terrible, so answer is in english. If you understand spanish, I'm from peru. I can write the following in spanish, if you prefer. Just shoot me a message.

    Are you asking about a specific conversation, or generally? Generally, Neera's romance rewards boldness in the dialogue choices.
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    I need some tips for Neera romance in general. She didn't spoke to my Charname for days after the first dialogue.
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2012

    apologies, misread and did not notice the "first." If that is the case, it is fairly normal for a significant gap to occur between lovetalks. Check your global variables. They use the same nomenclature as the BG2 romances, ie NEERA_ROMANCE.
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