Hotkey Reassignment, Movies/Framerate

Hey, so two main issues I'm having with the game so far:
• I can't reassign the key for Character Arbitration. Editing baldur.ini hasn't worked, and the listing for Character Arbitration doesn't even appear in the Reassign Keys menu. When I set Cast Spell to 'C', it tells me "Character Arbitration has been unassigned", yet when I press 'C' it either does nothing in single player, or goes to Arbitration anyways in multiplayer. Reassigning the Options menu to 'L' works, and unassigns Quick Load accordingly, but when I go back to the Assign Keys menu it still tells me there is no hotkey for Options.
• Another problem is the in-game movies (intro, resting, death, etc) running really choppy. My computer specs are well over enough to handle them, but for whatever reason they won't run smoothly. As for the in-game framerate, I get mixed results... it normally starts out fine, (editing baldur.ini not needed), but when the program tries to run movies (like resting for example), the game returns from the movie with a choppy framerate, similar to that of the movie... I've tried editing baldur.ini to turn off the movies, but this doesn't work.
Any ideas on how to fix these problems? Scouring the forums at the moment.
• I can't reassign the key for Character Arbitration. Editing baldur.ini hasn't worked, and the listing for Character Arbitration doesn't even appear in the Reassign Keys menu. When I set Cast Spell to 'C', it tells me "Character Arbitration has been unassigned", yet when I press 'C' it either does nothing in single player, or goes to Arbitration anyways in multiplayer. Reassigning the Options menu to 'L' works, and unassigns Quick Load accordingly, but when I go back to the Assign Keys menu it still tells me there is no hotkey for Options.
• Another problem is the in-game movies (intro, resting, death, etc) running really choppy. My computer specs are well over enough to handle them, but for whatever reason they won't run smoothly. As for the in-game framerate, I get mixed results... it normally starts out fine, (editing baldur.ini not needed), but when the program tries to run movies (like resting for example), the game returns from the movie with a choppy framerate, similar to that of the movie... I've tried editing baldur.ini to turn off the movies, but this doesn't work.
Any ideas on how to fix these problems? Scouring the forums at the moment.
Trying to remap key C for Cast spell. But it often gives me the same problem of not responding in game.
Odd thing is, if I remap Cast Spell to any other key or assign any other action to C, both instances work perfectly! Just not when I combine the two to place Cast Spell on C.
I've also noticed that Character Arbitration isn't available in the hotkeys. I know, for a fact, the the option is right under that last item of the "pages" hotkey page, because verrry rarely the game will glitch and will show me the options scrolled all the way down.
Apparently they messed up and don't allow you to scroll quite far enough. Same problem for the "Actions" page, as there should be an option at the bottom for "Equip Ranged Weapon".
One time it glitched to show me Character arbitration (last unseen option under "pages") and I was able to rekey it. This fixed my problem but it just randomly came back tonight, so I decided to search the forums.
Please fix!!!!
Thank yous!