i can't find this a the cha tome, was it moved or removed? - spoiler maybe?

So I have been searching for items, trying to remember things from when I played many years ago. I remember where to find the Constitution Tome. That was no problem (potion of invs, run like crazy out). I remember the fun I had with the Algernon's Cloak (pickpocketed it off the fat man himself). But I was looking for the Charisma Tome, I remember it being in the Gnoll Stronghold area, but I searched the cave it is supposed to be in and didn't see it. Killed the xvarts and the carrion crawler and searched, no luck! Did this get moved or removed?
this link shows you which cave exactly.
Is there any benefit from charisma from NPCs other than your player char? because my Cha is 12, and i know you only get the increase in mod with even numbers, so do i give it to neera who has cha 11? or use it on myself and get cha 13?
It can also give you discounts, and when your buying one of the archmage robes or some other high priced item, the difference can be thousands of gold. I personally prefer a charismatic protagonist as it seems opens avenues of story not always open to antisocial protagonists.