"Just give me some sugar baby" REALLY? Pantaloons? WTF?

Seriously I don't know if that was supposed to be a funny joke / omage to really really fail movies and cheesey bad lines but, damn... do better. No one in Faerun or wherever the fuk is saying "Give me some sugar baby"
This is in ref to Neeras romance.
I mean really, writers? You hired in David Gross for that? I mean hell you could equate a dollar value to the words he wrote into the game, I wonder how much "Give me some sugar baby" cost the company to do.
A chimp could write better material.
Also, "what now do your pantaloons need cleaning?" So at first i thought "Wow they got in jaheria for some new lines". But no they are probably lines from vanillia BG except they got cut out of the game for being too terrible.
No Jaheria my pantaloons don't need cleaning.
EDIT: This directly from the gamespot review: "Most of the new romance dialogue is horrific, although the worst lines--your responses, which include banter like "Give me some sugar, baby"--go thankfully unvoiced. There are also some new character voice sets for the protagonist, although not enough to offer much in the way of real choice."
Funny they describe it as banter!
This is in ref to Neeras romance.
I mean really, writers? You hired in David Gross for that? I mean hell you could equate a dollar value to the words he wrote into the game, I wonder how much "Give me some sugar baby" cost the company to do.
A chimp could write better material.
Also, "what now do your pantaloons need cleaning?" So at first i thought "Wow they got in jaheria for some new lines". But no they are probably lines from vanillia BG except they got cut out of the game for being too terrible.
No Jaheria my pantaloons don't need cleaning.
EDIT: This directly from the gamespot review: "Most of the new romance dialogue is horrific, although the worst lines--your responses, which include banter like "Give me some sugar, baby"--go thankfully unvoiced. There are also some new character voice sets for the protagonist, although not enough to offer much in the way of real choice."
Funny they describe it as banter!
Post edited by electroban on
At least one can assume that sugar exists in faerun and the connection between sugar and affection could still theoretically be made.
Anachronistic references have always been in BG. They're part of the fun.
You're saying "ringing" is an act exclusive for the telephone?
For me, that line is first and foremost reminiscent of Lurch of The Addams Family.
Srsly. Bacon.
Also, it's kind of hot.
However, if it were me, i would have written : "Give me some honey, honey" :}
So sometimes you get dialog options that represent the most absurd of things that could possibly be said. It's there to tempt you. Oh sure you have lines that are more "true" to character. But truth be damned! Sometimes its just hilarious to see how someone reacts for once to the things you should never say.
Course maybe I should say them in real life since usually the impact in CRPGs ends up rather delightful. Nah.
I mean hell rip off some shakespeare or something. I don't want my character to sound like some desperate guy but I still clicked the option of course just to hear her go "MMMMMM" lol.
I'm just saying, you have the opportunity to create a romance dialogue for baldurs gate 1 one of the best RPGs ever, dont use lines "give me some sugar" ok? my character isnt a black man from the 70s.
1. "No I will not help you, cracker."
Awww hell you are a jive turkey!
"Ok, I've just about had my FILL of riddle asking, quest assigning, insult throwing, pun hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart arsed fools, freaks, and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all, patience! If you've got a straight answer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick or I'm going to take a large blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat, and stuff it lengthwise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the nine hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! Have I MADE myself CLEAR?!"