Screw it - I just want a refund (if possible)

So ordered this and sure as shit, neither install option is working. Gotta say I'm pretty sick of companies releasing games that don't work. Just got through having to fix The Walking Dead's save game issue. Why in the hell should I have to fix squat? Why is this accepted in the pc gaming world? Say you buy a car. But when you go to drive it off the lot, you find out you have to take the engine out and put it back in for it to start. That would be pretty f'd up right? Well, it seems, that's what's going on here. I buy games to play them - not to dick around with them for hours to get them to work.
Do you know if you did anything specific to get it to work?
My story is the same as so many other people's stories:
When I run the pre-installer I get the message: "Your accound isn't provisioned for this title."
However, I can log on to the Beamdog service using the EXACT SAME email and pw!
But when I check under "My Games", there is no content.
I neither got my addons or my money back when I tried to download content for Dragon Age, and now the exact same thing is happening again with a new company. There is no valid excuse (no, incompetence and bad planning aren't excuses) for not giving people what they have paid for!
I suddenly feel a strong urge to encourage everyone to download these games illegally for free. Companies like Beamdog and Bioware who simply end up stealing people's money deserve to get robbed.
If someone knows how to sue a company in these situations where downloads/access for prepaid products fail, please contact me. I shall do my very best to tell everyone else about it.
Please do not tell people to pirate the game.
That said the launcher issue is not user error, it starts/stops working at random without any user input at all so I suspect it has something to do with backend problems.
User error? How on earth is that possible?
All I have done is running the pre-installer (I even run the exe as admin) that was sent to me from Beamdog on the 28th.
After that I tried installing the Beamdog client from my order confirmation. It recognizes by account and pw that I used to purchase the game. But all I can do with the client is try to buy the game again (but I'm not that dumb).
So as far as I am concerned, the only pirate right now is Beamdog.
Don't buy the game again; wait for a response from support. It sounds like your purchase wasn't added to the database, which would explain why it's not installing for you. This is something that's happened before, and from what I understand it's an easy fix, it just requires time. I can promise you that they didn't intentionally deprive you of the game.
Yes. Already done that. Let's see what happens.
After my experience with Bioware's Dragon Age DLC I have become allergic to technical issues with product downloads. They allowed you spend the money, but they would not allow you to re-download the content, although the download never completed.
(edited for periods. Grammar is my friend...)
"I'm having problems, and beamdog should just telepathically know this and fix it for me right now or I want my money back"
Emails go a long ways to solving problems.
Had an argument the other night with a techie who was telling me it must have been my gear that was faulty. Turns out the git had plugged me into the wrong channel on the desk. 'Heh, found an air-gap.'
and many others click the same button and it succeeds,
it's not necessarily user error, but the question is "what makes the difference?"
That's why contacting Beamdog is so important. There's a lot of different computer configurations out there. Mine works fine, yours does not. Is it something Beamdog can fix, or something they have no control over (sorry Intel onboard graphics users)? I don't know.
I've been on the receiving end of things not working when they do for others (my brother had the 30% SWTOR issue, which they deny existed). It sucks. I've had Arkham City totally coughing up a lung for me until I got a new graphics card, despite my older one meeting the specs. It sucks.
The more information you can provide the company on what's happening, the easier it is for them to find the issue and fix it.