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Awesome ending Overhaul


  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Oh dear.

    That's awkward.

    The good news is, Mass Effect 3 set a precedent where video game endings can be changed. ;)

    Go ahead and move this thread over to Bugs/BGEE (or just post it again there).
  • talzolatalzola Member Posts: 8 stated above this should go to Bugs forum...BUT...have read many reports of people finishing the game, and nary a word about this issue, so perhaps it is a YOU issue?
  • darthchairdarthchair Member Posts: 191
    Haha! That is kind of unfortunate, but also hilarious. It would be cool if they made a new cinematic that kind of details the main character, Khalid, minsc, and company being captured by Irenicus. I always wondered how they got bagged.
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    The Mass Effect trilogy ended like... umm what was the name of that olympic sprinter who fell down and broke her leg before the finishline??
  • darthchairdarthchair Member Posts: 191
    @KryptBeowulf I liken the ending of Mass Effect 3 to that one girl that is getting you all worked up just to mess with your head cause there is no way in Hades that she is going to go all the way. And then you sit there all unfulfilled and confused. Do you go and work things out yourself? Do you just go into the corner and cry? Regardless of the decision, there is nothing but bitterness and regret. AND IT WAS GOING SO WELL!
  • XivirielXiviriel Member Posts: 166

    Haha! That is kind of unfortunate, but also hilarious. It would be cool if they made a new cinematic that kind of details the main character, Khalid, minsc, and company being captured by Irenicus. I always wondered how they got bagged.

    This exists. If you have BG NPC project mod along with tutu, there is a sweet scene where irenicus shows up with Bodhi. If you romanced Dynaheir the scene is extended and it shows Irenicus kill her.

  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    Yeah, the night was going so well, we're having a great time but then she drank too much and ended up throwing up all over herself and you just drive her home all ruined and baffled.
  • darthchairdarthchair Member Posts: 191
    @Xiviriel Well I'd rather the official scene, ya know? At least something official. But then again, maybe what you are talking about was a deleted scene cut from the game by Bioware? I don't think there will be really much added into the story that wasn't originally created by Bioware though (at least as far as the original NPCs are concerned) which is kinda unfortunate.

    @KryptBeowulf Exactly. And then all that DLC they release for Mass Effect 3 kinda feels like she just got a new boyfriend and is giving him everything you ever wanted from her. All you can do is watch and think...boy...this could have been MY Mass Effect 3. The perfect bond between game and gamer...but's over. And yet you still try to tempt me with your feminine wiles.
  • xxxsmb1987xxxxxxsmb1987xxx Member Posts: 280
    @parklis2 atleast you got something on yours I just beat the game and I got nothing lol.
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