Is this a tablet port?

Does anyone else have the impression that the developers had tablets in mind when they developed the Enhanced Edition? The GUI really seems to suggest this (zoom function, big buttons, etc.). Is this another case where PC gamers have really been let down?
They were developing the game for multiple systems, Mac, Windows, iOS and Android.
That's no surprise.
In such a case there have to made compromises on the design of the interface.
They could not possible have made this project work, if they had to make separate interfaces for every system.
The UI itself was redesigned exactly to give modders an opportunity they didn't have before: to mod the heck out of the game interface. Big buttons, small buttons, blue, pink, stone or plastic, they shouldn't bother you. They are all just a matter of artistic direction. Moders will have a field day, and so will you soon enough.
The GUI is essentially the same as BG1's UI which was designed for PCs only...