Racial class restrictions

The game isn't out for ipad yet, but I'm trying to plan my party anyway, and there is one thing I don't remember and can't find in the manual:
What are the racial class restrictions?
n.b. I know about the multi/dual stuff
What are the racial class restrictions?
n.b. I know about the multi/dual stuff

I think it would be funner if we post one restriction per person
I assume the BG2 restrictions are used in EE, and I also assume that none of them have been changed.
If my assumptions are correct, that limits my options quite a bit since I like to create characters that are somewhat uncommon e.g. halfling bard, half orc druid etc. So I can only hope that somebody is quick to find a way to edit that on ipad as well.
As a side note; I always liked the restrictions, sure they limited your options but when players created a cliche they always know how to roleplay them. It made for some of the very best party combinations and inter-party interaction, this is something I feel was lost in 3rd edition...