I have to redownload Baldur's Gate because Windows 8 randomly decided to get broken. I wasn't able to use the Windows 8 Reader or update any Windows Apps. I guess it was a necessary evil.
So while I'm sounding like a pirate in my frustrations (none of which have to do with Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, I was sort of wondering...
If your main character in Baldur's Gate could become a pirate (or swashbuckler) for an expansion or added series of quests...which NPCs would you take with you on your piratey quest?
Me? Edwin for sure because I have a feeling he would hate it. I would probably also take Minsc since he sort of has that piratey look with his facial tattoo. I'm not really sure who else at the moment though.
So while I'm sounding like a pirate in my frustrations (none of which have to do with Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, I was sort of wondering...
If your main character in Baldur's Gate could become a pirate (or swashbuckler) for an expansion or added series of quests...which NPCs would you take with you on your piratey quest?
Me? Edwin for sure because I have a feeling he would hate it. I would probably also take Minsc since he sort of has that piratey look with his facial tattoo. I'm not really sure who else at the moment though.
Okay okay, but seriously, folks...
The first npc who springs immediately to mind for me is Eldoth. He would probably be our "Captain Hook". I think that Imoen would be comfortable in that environment. Jaheira would do well, but she would kill "Captain Hook" and take over the ship as the new captain.
Minsc would do well as long as "Captain Hook" knew how to manipulate him by tricking him into thinking they were doing good ("evil tax collectors who rob poor people and kill hamsters"), and made sure he didn't see any acts of violence against people who were innocent and begging for their lives.
Jan would probably go along for the cruise just because it was interesting and would remind him of the time Uncle Scratchy went on a trip on a turnip boat, and he might even become our "Capatain Hook's" new "Mr. Smythe".
Edwin would be glad to use the "pirate monkeys" if he had any use for a ship, and he would submit himself to "Captain Hook" for only as long as it suited his purposes.
Viconia would do well, and might even try to become the strong and dashing "Captain Hook's" new mate, in order to advance her wealth, power, and status.
Shar-Teel would find the idea of commanding a ship very interesting, but would kill "Captain Hook" and take over the boat, since no man has any right to rule over a strong woman.
Faldorn would set the ship on fire with Call Lightning spells, because cutting trees to make ships defiles nature.
Safana or Skie either one would be delighted to be the Captain's mate, as long as he kept her showered in wealth, jewlery, and luxurious comfort.
Dynaheir wouldn't have it. She would destroy the ship with Fireballs and tell Minsc to "come on", and get out of there.
Kagain would likely make a good crewman if was paid well enough, but Yeslick would have none of it.
Quayle wouldn't care less. If the Captain stroked his ego by complimenting his intelligence and magical prowess, he'd probably go along for the cruise.
Xan would tell the Captain that his ship is useless, and his quest to rule the seas was doomed, and the Captain would probably just kill him in a fit of disgust. Xan would say, as his last words, "I knew you were going to do this.", and die with his rolling eyes still on his face. Unless the Captain found his deadpan pessimism amusing, in which case, he might only imprison Xan below decks and trot him out occasionally to have fun with him.
Okay, I can't think of any more right now.
Xzar on the other hand would probably go along with it. At least for a while. He's obviously intelligent and has bouts of coherency, but I think eventually all of the people in a very cramped space, the constant waves and sounds of a moving ship would continue to grate on his nerves and drive him batty.
Although I have to admit...that might be a better fate/punishment for him than in Baldur's Gate 2. Haha, imagine Xzar in a fetal position in his bunk teeth clenched over his fingers while he stares about at the shadowy things crawling about below deck. And then of course he does something absolutely freakish and gets cast overboard.
Garrick...hmmm...I think the great tales and ballads of the sea would lure him, but his naïve sense of direction would get him in trouble yet again. Probably have him peeling potatoes in the bowels of the ship and absolutely miserable. Or perhaps he would have to sing to a bunch of drunken sailors. What a sad state of affairs for the bard.
Ajantis? I don't think so.
Now Coran, on the other hand...he is the kind of swashbuckling pirate that you see in the old movies. Swinging from ship rigging and tangling rapiers with various soldiers and the like. The womanizing part also comes in handy. I think Coran would actually make for the best captain of the group. But that's just me. The Errol Flynn of Baldur's Gate? I think so.