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Missing frendly arm inkeeper dialogue?


this is my first post here and i'm sorry if this has been mentioned before, but I could not find mention if it anywhare. Perhaps my memory is foggy but I remember that in the orignal vertion of Bulders gate when you first arive at the inn and speak to the inkeaper you got dialogue about a certan scrap you had, problems in the region and abit of history about his and his wifes adventuring days. All you get now is the basic shop dialogue. Is this an oversight ir is there a bug?


ps its not super important but I do notice inconsistences like that. If I was really bothered i'd install the orignal to double check but thats alot of work.


  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    edited December 2012
    I can't remember that from my last BG playthrough about one year ago. However, now that you write it, it seems to me as there actually was dialogue like that somewhere...
  • ST4TICStrikerST4TICStriker Member Posts: 162
    I can conform that no dialog is missing.

    In the original he made that joke; you were giving 3 choices and which one you picked affected prices.

    Same as now.
  • Chaos_PrimarchChaos_Primarch Member Posts: 4
    um ST4TICStriker i'm talking about bently the gnome inkeeper at the frendly arm inn not wanethrop in candlekeep. I'll fire up my gog copy to check cause I have a feeling it will bug me till i do and get screenshots.
  • ST4TICStrikerST4TICStriker Member Posts: 162

    um ST4TICStriker i'm talking about bently the gnome inkeeper at the frendly arm inn not wanethrop in candlekeep. I'll fire up my gog copy to check cause I have a feeling it will bug me till i do and get screenshots.

    My bad then. Sorry about that.
  • Chaos_PrimarchChaos_Primarch Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2012
    No problem, as i said its minor, but just enough to thow me off
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