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No multiple enemies?

I only got into the whole BG saga six months back,been playing BG2 mainly and only bought BG1 a few weeks back.Wasn't gonna bother with BGEE but thought what the hell and quite frankly,glad i did.Nice work Overhaul,no problems for me.

Anyway i played the old BG1 with all the TUTU mods and tweak packs,etc etc.Now to the point.Upon starting BGEE I noticed in the first two areas before the Friendly Arms Inn a distinct lack of enemies ie one gibberling,one xvart,one wolf and was a bit disappointed to say the least.Now i've never played BG1 as straight vanilla.When i originally booted it up,i immediately added all the mods and then started playing it.So here's my point,were the multple enemies in the original vanilla or was this a mod added thing?

Like i say totally love this enhanced version,just a lack of enemies set me back a bit because these areas were totally brutal and great for xp farming when i'd return at a later date,after doing a runner through both sections.Made it a bit more immersive,thinking-"Bastards,i'll be back'-as i quickly ran away and off the map.


  • ValariothValarioth Member Posts: 9
    In vanilla, 'random encounters' like Xvarts, gibberlings, etc. in the outdoor areas were scaled based on your party level. Once you're at a higher level, the game would start doing a roll in these areas to see how many of an enemy would be in a pack. At level 1, right out of the gates, it will be a max of 1-2 guys in an encounter.

    BGTutu removed this scaling option I believe, and either all packs you face had the max possible number of mobs, or it always did a roll no matter your level.
  • MathuzzzMathuzzz Member Posts: 203
    I have seen more reports about missing monsters, but from what I remember, in the first 2 areas (between Candlekeep and Friendly Arm Inn) were fewer enemies, lonely wolf, gibberling, ogre... The only enemy that spawned in larger number used to be bandits in the second area under the crossroad.
  • BanexBanex Member Posts: 127
    Ah thats a relief,thought it might have been a bug or something.Never played pure vanilla.Thanks for the reply.
  • Graf_WasiliGraf_Wasili Member Posts: 60
    edited December 2012
    Still I experience the same thing: coming right out of the nashville er... nashkell mines i face ONE gnoll - same with all random encounters... what do others experience? might it need to be fixed?
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    edited December 2012
    Although I haven't read much of it, I believe this thread may be of interest to you guys:

    I'm under the impression that, while BG:EE having less spawns than BGTutu is to be expected (because of Tutu having way more spawns than vanilla), it actually has less spawns than even the vanilla game does.
    Post edited by TJ_Hooker on
  • RiolathelRiolathel Member Posts: 330
    Nothing needs to be fixed... you're not finding many monsters cus youre level 1-3..
  • PinkRosePinkRose Member Posts: 102
    But Riolathel, 1 kobold is not a fight.
    1 Xvart, not a fight.
    Few Gnolls in a Gnoll Fortress is a very lonely fortress.
    Baldur's Gate was not made to be scalable by level.
    It's a sandbox game and you can go anywhere.
    If you go somewhere that is too high a level and you die, you learn.
    If the scaling was an option, in the difficulty option, that would be fine, but many of us, at least that have posted, want to play with core rules, and that means more than 1 kobold.
    AOsaw is looking into the issue if it is indeed an issue.
  • Graf_WasiliGraf_Wasili Member Posts: 60
    edited December 2012
    The new update is supposed to fix that, while I still think it's not just a problem of automatic spawn adjustment, but also of "scripted" or story-related enemy hords.

    As examples i want to use this screenshots from another thread:
    Kerozevok said:

    Take a look to these screens (vanilla BG1).


    The "spawn points" in BGEE ? One xvart, one hobgoblin, one gnoll...

    Ii remember theese places from my very first schooltime addiction. The first one is a hord of gibberlings south of the raiders hq, maybee peldvale, they even had some slaughtered guy on a rock nearby. The gnoll fortress was a huge massacre for me, though the reload-bug was part of it. The ogres with wolfes are at a area full of ogre-like creatures somewhere near beregost, a palladin in jovial juggler mentions them, i think. Ok I don't recognize the last one though...
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