Some Bugs and how to fix them.

in Multiplayer
Hello people of the internet. It has come to my attention that there is alot of bugs and some solutions on the forums but there is no real thread to find them easily. I thought that i could share some of the bugs and fixes that i have seen and tried out.
First problem is obviously the cannot connect issue. This is solved by opening or port forwarding the 47630 port.
in addition you can use a network software most commonly Hamachi.
Second most common problem is that player X can't see player Y. This bug is occuring when you host a server and you have more then one connecting. Solution is to have the last player connected disconnect and rejoin the game.
Third bug occuring alot is the random disconnections you can get while playing (I will list some booby traps that we have found so far later in this post.). If player 2 disconnects (while you have more then 2 players in the game) there are issues that prevents player 2 from connecting propperly to the game again. I haven't seen any code but from my limited experiance it looks like an array mismatch. The solution? make every player disconnect (who is below the disconnected player) and then rejoin the game in the order that they first joined so that the permission list keeps the same people at the same spot at all times. Otherwise when the player reconnects he can get a name tag or can't see any players online (but apparently can see the chat).
Now for some of the bugs we have found so far.
- entering the main building in Friendly arms inn disconnects all the clients but is easily tresspassed by letting the host do all the work inside then let people rejoin once he is out.
- Resting at a tavern. It seems that resting in a tavern calls the resting outside cinematics to the client side players. But as you all know there is no cinematic to be given as it is a tavern not an outside camping. If you need to use the taverns all the players (except host) needs to disconnect. This solution can by applied to other randomly occuring paused for cinematics bugs that can occure (example. We fought some vampric wolves and it paused for cinematics)
- In naskel if you enter the Temple some people might get a disconnection (not 100% sure but we had a few run ins with disconnection tied with that area)
If i find more bugs and/or solutions i will try to post them here for multiplayers to be able to play it while the devs are patching theese things up.
First problem is obviously the cannot connect issue. This is solved by opening or port forwarding the 47630 port.
in addition you can use a network software most commonly Hamachi.
Second most common problem is that player X can't see player Y. This bug is occuring when you host a server and you have more then one connecting. Solution is to have the last player connected disconnect and rejoin the game.
Third bug occuring alot is the random disconnections you can get while playing (I will list some booby traps that we have found so far later in this post.). If player 2 disconnects (while you have more then 2 players in the game) there are issues that prevents player 2 from connecting propperly to the game again. I haven't seen any code but from my limited experiance it looks like an array mismatch. The solution? make every player disconnect (who is below the disconnected player) and then rejoin the game in the order that they first joined so that the permission list keeps the same people at the same spot at all times. Otherwise when the player reconnects he can get a name tag or can't see any players online (but apparently can see the chat).
Now for some of the bugs we have found so far.
- entering the main building in Friendly arms inn disconnects all the clients but is easily tresspassed by letting the host do all the work inside then let people rejoin once he is out.
- Resting at a tavern. It seems that resting in a tavern calls the resting outside cinematics to the client side players. But as you all know there is no cinematic to be given as it is a tavern not an outside camping. If you need to use the taverns all the players (except host) needs to disconnect. This solution can by applied to other randomly occuring paused for cinematics bugs that can occure (example. We fought some vampric wolves and it paused for cinematics)
- In naskel if you enter the Temple some people might get a disconnection (not 100% sure but we had a few run ins with disconnection tied with that area)
If i find more bugs and/or solutions i will try to post them here for multiplayers to be able to play it while the devs are patching theese things up.
Doing this fixed it for me, and I have tested it on 4 other computers, so it seems to be a legit fix!
By the way, concerning the map changes, do you know of any way to disable autosaves? I have come to the conclusion that area changes get bugged up because the game connot properly create an autosave.