Can't kill Marl without rep loss anymore!

I couldn't find it in the Fixed Forum Compiled Lists, so maybe it's a "bug" that was "fixed". In BGEE I can't calm Marl down then kill him without suffering a reputation loss anymore! Damn, I loved talking him down then backstab his bullying ass after.
It is the same with joia in one of the buildings outside the friendly arm, who you get 900 xp for killing but only 650 xp if you do her quest (being evil I did both). Both now cause reputation losses whereas before they did not.
Ohh and the rest of the people in the inn did not turn hostile if you killed Marl in the original game either.
I know the people at the inn didn't turn hostile in the original game either, but since they made it so that you lose rep for killing Marl I half expected that they would make them turn hostile as well.
And seriously...who wrote that Micheal Bayish level of crap of an Ambush fight after the prelude...all flash and explosions and no substance at all. Completely over looking the fact Big G almost outright KILLS Big Angry before going down in a blood soaked heroic sacrifice, in the original. (this does of course require someone to take the time to add up just how much damage Gorion dealt the Angriness during the fight see)
You people who are complaining about the change to the Gorion-Sarevok battle are completely nuts.
The standing around missing could've been fixed by simply tightening up timing involved in the script a bit more.
And the conversation later isn't going to have the same feel.. (Rather then saying Gorion begged for his life like a little girl before the end just because he's a huge dick, he did it as a "take that old man who almost killed me, I'm gonna ruin your memory with your ward since the whole try to revive you so I can kill you again for revenge didn't work out so well (damn resurrection rules).")
Fun little the very first release, before any patches, Gorion COULD VERY VERY rarely, deal enough damage to kill the Armored Figure during the prelude, which locked up the game. They buffed his HP beyond the final battle hp count and removed 1 casting of MM to prevent it happen since there were no immortal flags back then). Though at the end he deals enough damage that literally 1 more MM or flame arrow, would've done the job, so in that respect...5 dagger swipes..well less since he still had 2 ticks of acid arrow to soak up, was how close Gorion, on AVERAGE, came to winning (the variance comes both from the damage rolls involved as well as it requires him to kill both ogres in 1 shot each which happen better then half the time).
I always viewed the pre-nerf nigh magic immune final as him learning from his mistakes about underestimating what a single mage could do to him giving proper motivation and lack of regard for their own life.
And into the fact, in the new version, the cleric only casts 1 she's got a full supply and Gorion barely scratches big Angry...and you character had just barely cleared the edge of the screen, why pray tell did he not just run you down like that mook in the opening?
In the original, you could at least infer that he's been blasted to near death and his cleric was out of commission so a pursuit would be unwise...what's the reason in the new one?
Thats why I say it's all flash and no substance...while it required some fridge logic, the original had the seeds to figuring things out for yourself if you looked, but this new one is just theatrics, with no real justifications.
Aside from that, other parts of the original fight looked silly or buggy. Tamoko just completely disappears after hitting your char with a single flame arrow, and as you pointed out, Gorion is scripted to just randomly die after a pre-set amount of time, regardless of what is actually happening on screen.
Personally, I think I like the BG EasyTutu fight version the best, which shows Gorion knocking out Tamoko with a sleep cloud, thereby explaining Tamoko's lack of involvement in the remainder of the fight.
Why would you take a rep hit from that?
I don't even really mind the flashy stuff...
but instead of having Tamoko dispel everything away, just remove the images (the SS and PfMW will give all the time needed for the rest), have Gorion take her out as before, then lay into Angriness with what spells he has left, as Angry hacks through the defenses, and right as Gorion's last spell goes off, Angry deathbringers him, and walks slowly a few steps towards the cleric before the chapter 1 thing pops up.
That keeps the flashy stuff, and still leaves open the potential inferences of the old, while diminishing neither Gorion nor Angriness.