BG:EE exact custom portraits' creation
I've been having problems about creating custom portraits for the Enhanced Edition. Do anyone know the new and exact specifications of the new portraits?
I tried searching through the forum, but could only find confusing posts about it in the middle of post regarding any other topics, so I supposed it would be good to have a specific post for that.
Thanks in advance to anyone who would be kind enough to help me with it.
I tried searching through the forum, but could only find confusing posts about it in the middle of post regarding any other topics, so I supposed it would be good to have a specific post for that.
Thanks in advance to anyone who would be kind enough to help me with it.
Post edited by Jalily on
1) In the BGEE folder in MyDocuments, create a folder called "Portraits".
2) Create a picture with three different sizes S, M, L in .bmp format.
Dimensions: S - 54x84, M - 169x266, L - 210x330
3) Name them XXXXXXXS, XXXXXXXM, XXXXXXXL and put them in the "Portraits" folder you created in step 1. The file names can be a maximum of 8 characters long, but it doesn't matter if they're shorter.
4) When you choose a portrait during character creation, a "CUSTOM" button will now be available for you to select your custom portraits.