Rasaad, sadly had to let him go.

Rasaad is an awesome person but his class, however, is super horrible. People had mentioned that the Monk kit is super weak in BG1 and I've sadly have to agree. I had to kick him out of my group to favor someone who could actually deal and take damage. I'd try to get stunning blow to work but his THAC0 is just too bad. By the time I hit level 3, I was ready to get someone else. I really hope the monk gets some much needed work for low levels to make this more enjoyable. Love the character, dislike current form of the class.
Your basically a fighter that cant use weapons and armor that has to rely on class abilities that takes a freakin while to come
In any event, that's what I've considered doing with him. Haven't done it yet.
"I told you running up and hitting the monster with your fists wasn't a good idea". There is a reason we carry weapons. I never liked Monks. They are like the hippies of the DnD world, "I'm going to find my inner peace and then I won't need weapons or armor anymore." Let me know how that works out for you.
In 2nd edition, there wasn't any such thing as a monk, and it was adapted and implemented into SoA in anticipation of 3rd edition. They put most of its special abilities at post 8th level, because they didn't anticipate anybody ever playing a monk at first level. It didn't exist in BG1.
I have solved this problem for myself by SK'ing Rasaad into a cleric of Selune. That's what I think he should have been, and I think they should have created a kit of Selune for both him and for any PC's who wanted to roll a Priest of Selune.
I'm not saying this makes him a great character, but it helps make him a bit more useful (and helps him stay alive).