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Central party location at the Friendly Arm Inn?

Hi Guys- I was just wondering if there was a mod/option that could be installed to make all party members gather at a distinct location when they are dismissed from a party? I.E. the Friendly Arm Inn?

This was my single favourite feature in BG 2 because it saved me a LOT of time.

Any input would be much appreciated!!


  • Humanoid_TaifunHumanoid_Taifun Member Posts: 1,063
    BG1 NPC Project had that option. To my knowledge it's being updated for BGEE as we speak.
  • LorinallLorinall Member Posts: 3
    I think there is a way to do it using keyboard cheats - the one where you jump to another zone. You can place all the NPCs you don't want into a building in a convenient place, dismiss them, then jump back to your original zone. I think even NPCs that normally leave forever when you dismiss them will stay where you leave them if you do it this way. Can't confirm that this works, but I read it here on the forums today.
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
    I wondered about that too, because I read somewhere on the forums prior to the release, that when you released a party member, an option would appear and ask if you want to go to nearest inn and reorder your party, or something to that effect.

    I guess it didn't make it into the release.
    Maybe n an upcoming update?

    Or maybe I was reading a post on BG2 without realizing it...
  • AlexRmFAlexRmF Member Posts: 20
    great feature to have... I just proposed it myself :) hope this gets implemented soon
  • KylleKylle Member Posts: 13
    I kinda thought that these sorts of improvements would have been implemented naturally, they seem to have gone for a minimalistic approach to enhancing the game. That's not necessarily a bad thing, esp for the purists amongst us but I guess I was expecting more.

    Oh well the latest patch broke my workaround so I can't play atm anyway. Hopefully they'll fix it soon ^_^
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