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Creative uses of Safana's special ability (possible spoilers)

I'm taking Safana along with my evil party, interestingly in BGEE they've replaced her Charm Animal ability with the much more useful Charm Person (which makes sense for her) can anyone recommend some creative uses of this? Please put "spoiler" tags around any real spoilers, though.


  • marfigmarfig Member Posts: 208
    Ugh! They did that!?
    Why change the original? Let modders deal with that :(

    Anyways, I never found the spell very useful. Especially later in the game. All strategies I've seen associated with it have been around the idea of exploiting the game rules. As a combat strategy it is otherwise pretty straightforward... and, as I said, limited only to the early parts of the game.

    If by "creative uses" you do mean exploiting the game, I'll let someone else chime in.
  • The_CheesemanThe_Cheeseman Member Posts: 175
    There are tons of uses for Charm Person, hence why Algernon's Cloak is possibly the most broken item in the game. It has been directly responsible for the success of many of my solo mage playthroughs. In combat, charming a foe results in a huge swing in your favor, because you have not only eliminated one enemy, but also gained an (expendable) ally! In BG1, there are also several points where charming an NPC before initiating dialogue can improve the rewards from quests, or provide other perks. I won't spoil any of those, since they are fun to find, but keep an eye out!
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