Pretty darn sure it does. I haven't heard anyone *directly say so,* but I keep hearing people say stuff insinuating Shadowkeeper and using it on BG:EE.
Cool. Thanks @Quartz. When I am asked to set path, should I use the main "Baldurs Gate - enhanced Edition" folder or the "00766" folder inside data, because it balks at both.
You need to copy some file need Baldur.ini save and dialogue.tlk copied in 00766 then set the pat to save in 00766 modify your save then move it back the normal spot
1) Open "...Documents\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\"
2) Copy "baldur.ini", "characters", and "saves"
3) Open "...Program Files\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766[or whatever number it is]\"
4) Paste the three copied files and folders into this directory
5) In this same directory, open "lang\en_us\" (or whatever language you're intending to use)
6) Copy "dialog.tlk"
7) Return to the root "\00766\" directory
8) Paste the copied "dialog.tlk" file into this directory
9) Open Shadowkeeper, and set the installation directory to the "\00766\" folder. (The program will yell at you because it's not BG2, but that's fine).
10) Restart Shadowkeeper.
Remember to copy the files back to your Documents folder when you're done, or the changes won't appear in-game.