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The new companions - no forced pairs

The new companions (Rasaad, Dorn, Neera) are, as far as I've played with them, very well made. Both mechanically and storywise they're neat. But the one thing that always seems to pop into my head when pondering party setups is how wonderful it is that they don't come in one of those horrible duos (Xzar/Montaron, Jaheira/Khalid etc.)

Thank you for that Overhaul... thank you. I hope that when/if you add more companions to the game you'll keep it like that. Not to say I don't like the duos that are in the game, but they do severely limit your party building options, at least if you don't feel okay about dumping their corpses in some ditch or almost exploitingly reform them away in a different area :P


  • darthchairdarthchair Member Posts: 191
    @Silverstar You know, I 100% agree with you. I never noticed it before that Baldur's Gate was kind of a pain in the arse when it came to so many characters (that you might want in your party) only available as a pair. Xzar and Montaron, Jaheira and Khalid, Minsc and Danny...what the heck!? I suppose you could let some minion of evil kill them and still have the one in your party, but e'gads.

    People must have complained about that though because in Baldur's Gate 2 they kinda wrecked those pairs permanently. But yeah...I don't give a crap about Minsc's witch. I just want Minsc in my group! Bleh. Khalid isn't terrible, but he takes up a space that could be otherwise used up by someone that I happen to want on my team.

    I currently have Rasaad, Imoen, Dorn, Neera, and Kagain (temporarily) in my party. The new characters are glorious as far as I'm concerned although Rasaad is a tad bit...well I don't really know how to use him yet. Actually I don't really use Neera much either.
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