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It is the little improvements that really show you care!

thedemoninsidethedemoninside Member Posts: 188
edited December 2012 in Archive (Feature Requests)
I would like more modern controls for this old game.

-Middle mouse button: It should scroll any text that has a scroll bar. Holding the middle mouse while in game should also move the camera around. I am not talking about doing the impossible and making the view rotate, just pan it around without using edge scrolling or arrow keys.

-Allow clicking of the unexplored black part of the fog. Clicking on the edge constantly is annoying. Never understood this design choice from the very beginning.

-NPC's: Send them all to a central location when you give them the boot.

-Throwing axes: Why the hell is a stack of them so heavy? Sure I guess it is realistic, but not practical at all to have a stack of 10 weigh 100 pounds.

-User Interface: Make it easily moddable. Easily the one thing that drags down the look of the game while playing. It is functional, but takes up too much screen when it doesn't have to. We have come a long way since '98.

Finally, this one has been suggested tons, and I expect it will be added eventually, but a Pathing Node slider with a wide range should be in the gameplay options, and FPS slider from 15-60 should be in Graphics options.

Other than that, the game is still just as addictive and fun as I remember. Really looking forward to what you guys do with this title in the next 6 months. Hopefully the improvements you make now can be carried over into future titles.
Post edited by thedemoninside on


  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    A UI mod has already been created

    As for Axes, this has already been raised, at the moment I believe they weight more than normal axes, and that is just absurd.

    It seems a lot of people agree when it comes to "send npcs to FAI upon dismissal", and I am one of them.

    To add to the suggestion, when you are selecting custom portraits, I would like the mouse wheel scroll to work in both the medium and small picture categories. It is a pain it only working in one.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I believe the reason you can't click on the fog is that the game only allows you to select valid movement destinations, and so rather than give you clues about whether or not that "spot in the black" is a valid destination (which would spoil things, if only minimally), it just makes anything you haven't seen an invalid target.

    It also prevents casters from fireballing into the black, ruining some group battles before they even start.
  • thedemoninsidethedemoninside Member Posts: 188
    I guess I can understand the fireball thing. It is still real annoying though. I wonder if they could make movement work, but no attacks. Wishful thinking :)

    The mod for the UI simply replaced the old UI into the new game. This is not really modding the UI in my opinion. I want to do way more with it than that!
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    @thedemoninside yes but you must realise that mod came out like a day after release. That is a pretty impressive turn around.
  • thedemoninsidethedemoninside Member Posts: 188
    I don't think you understand, that part of the ui is still hard coded, meaning a simple replacement or possibly a reskin is all that's possible atm. Again, i want to do more than that.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Oh, I see, you want to be able to do things like move stuff around.

    That might be less possible with the way things stand, and definitely something warranting a feature request. :)
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