Beamdog's Tech support sucks worse than any game I have ever played.

I have not been able to to even get the game to load, and before anyone asks I have tried all the suggestions that have posted so far. I reported my issue on their support website, the day it launched and so far I only have gotten one email from them, and it is always from the same person, which leads me to believe that this is the only person looking at my support emails. I have not heard form them since Friday and do not expect to see any help till Monday when the person how has my ticket comes back to work. This has got to be the sorriest Tech support I had to deal with. ( Yes I'm mad.) Feel better now tho.
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They're working round the clock to fix the issues, and they're running support themselves, and between sleep and bathroom breaks, there's probably not much time left for communication on the forums.
I'm sure they' will resolve your issue, be patient.
Every day I read several posts from people who previously couldn't run the game, but can now.
I know it sucks big time...
Do not expect to get Bigtime Technical Problems, as they are shown by various people removed in few days or 1-2 weeks.
Take your time, read some books, drink Strawberry juice and play some other stuff you like until that time when the most critical bugs are removed
And if that does not happen, ask for a refund.
Just save your energy for now, Life is not only about gaming, i know that best, have not played anything for many years already, and i am only considering playing again because of the EE - I am at least 100.000 more disappointed as anyone Else that the quality demand is not fulfilled so far
BTW. we know the world will go down in few days, so why wasting time with gaming anyway - Maya knows best
Agreed! Starwberries & bananas/raspberries/blackberries... but strawberries on their own! I say, perish the thought!
I'm still running the game on version 1.0.2005. I can't simply update. I'm justifiably upset and frustrated. Even more so at the lack of answers from support. But what motivation do I have to voice that frustration when all I see is a bunch of folks jumping at anyone doing so?
There's an unbalance here. Don't think there isn't. I've seen someone accusing others of ruining these forums. I suggest you reevaluate your position too. A little more respect for those having SERIOUS problems with the game and who are upset, and like any normal human being, voice their frustration in an angry tone, is well due on these forums.
I can't speak for everyone else, but I've also put in some long days where I didn't have to, answering questions on the forums and helping people send their information to the right place (send your crash dump files to and I will personally forward it on to the lead programmer).
I hardly think that's dismissive. That said, I don't see why there can't be room for some banter as well.
Different processors, OS's GFX cards, ram configs, hard drives.....
Exactly the same problem - game will not even start
By 2014 this game will rock, but this disaster probably means all hope of BGII being re-made has gone
But it is finished
You should try their white grape + peach juice, its like a bottle full of sugar syrup divine nectar crack.
I wouldnt mind if the game was still due for release at a later date if that meant fixing everything.
A couple days later, I get an e-mail response back telling me to "e-mail" them the address I wanted to use and they would make the change.
I was astounded! We've come a long way since the internet first appeared, but a Beamdog employee has to "manually" update my account information?
I suspect it's for security reasons; comparatively safer to manually do it so that they know the change is being requested by you, and not just somebody who got a hold of your password.
Have you read these pinned threads:
I know it's a lot to read, but there's a lot of advice on solutions the members here have tried, and there's a good deal of people who've been able to run the game after trying some of them.
Have you read these pinned threads:
I know it's a lot to read, but there's a lot of advice on solutions the members here have tried, and there's a good deal of people who've been able to run the game after trying some of them.
Thanks for trying, I have tried all those and even a few not listed. I've been trolling the forum everyday trying to find something new to try out. Again thanks fro trying.
From reading some of the recent posts from the developers, they're working hard on solutions to some of the hardware issues some are having.
Let's hope an update is forthcoming that'll help you.
The forums and community are the QA department. Why do you think the game was delayed 2 months and then released with tons of issues, while the iPad version has yet to release because it was too buggy to pass certification?
Beamdog is a team of 13 man.
They've obviously been scrambling to fix the issues, in fact the first hotfix was out in 2 days.
They try to run support themselves, which is a tall order when they're working hard on the game fixes.
Neither you, nor I have any idea why the iPad release was rejected, it can be for a million reasons, and only apple and Beamdog will ever know.
The release have obviously not gone well, that's unfortunate, but busting their balls doesn't help at all. Sometimes maybe a bit of support and patience is in order.