Strength: That 18/XX number

What does the second number stand for? I notice that sometimes a character has a simple "18" next to "strength" rather than "18/96" or "18/35." What does this mean in the D and D ruleset? Google hasn't yielded any results I understand when I searched for the answer.
This should tell you everything you need to know:'s_Gate:_Races_and_Stats#Strength
Also, how does one FORCE locks? I always thought you could only pick the lock....
Normally people cannot do this unless put in a life-or-death situation, but thats what makes the fighter classes so special: they can call upon this surge of might whenever they want to with no ill effects like pulling a muscle.
The reason the gap between 18 and 19 STR is so large is because 18 is the natural limit for the (demi)human body, not counting half-orcs. 19+ STR is enjoyed by the more monstrous races just because they are bigger so they are not constrained by a smaller body's relative weakness.