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Cheating: Am I the only one?

I am, actually, shocked that I cannot find more information on accessing the cheat console. I've looked online and yet can find no information on how to activate it - or any commands I would use if I could. I also couldn't get Gatekeeper to find my save games.

As much as a love BG - I had every intention of modifying the hell out of this enhanced version. Kind of sad that information on how to do so (even adding gold) seems to be lacking.


  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    edited December 2012
    Accessing the cheat console is done exactly the same way as BG2. Though the Baldur.ini file is in the BGEE folder in "My Documents", not in the main directory.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    edited December 2012

    I am, actually, shocked that I cannot find more information on accessing the cheat console. I've looked online and yet can find no information on how to activate it - or any commands I would use if I could...

    This should help -
  • wissenschaftwissenschaft Member Posts: 229
    You need to improve your search foo. There are even topics on how to get Shadowkeep and Mods working with EE. And its not that hard to do either.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    I've given myself a bag of holding, and installed weapon styles for all so I can put points into a weapon style after dual classing to a mage to compliment my primary classes weapon selections.
  • karrickkarrick Member Posts: 40
    why? whats the point? oh yay i have all the shiniest of kit. Now i can tear through neshkel mines. YAWN.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    I modded my gnome to have an extra point of Wisdom (17). In return I remove a point of Charisma.
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    I had to use the console to spawn a new Neera because after first meeting her I had no room and sent her to the Friendly Arm Inn and she had nothing to say. Also gave myself a bag of holding when a few party members died in a random encounter map and I didnt have enough room for all of their stuff.
  • FathuranFathuran Member Posts: 26
    Nah, you're not the only dirty one. I admit that I CTRL+8 my stats at character creation because I hate re-rolling. I'd like to explain before I get lynched though, I don't max out my stats and since I tend to play 'In-Character', I always give my characters the attributes I believe they should have, and my charnames usually leave a lot of things to be desired. In fact, some of the stats I give a lot of my characters make them quite abysmal. By no means do I do it to make the game 'easier' and the last time I actually cheated in a manner aside from that was when I was 11 years old and didn't have morals at the time, lol. Nowadays I don't enjoy outright, blatant cheating via spawning items or console killing... so I hope that has people forgive me for scumming my stats.. maybe?
  • KonabugaKonabuga Member Posts: 135
    The only cheat I use is when I drop the difficulty to normal on level ups, so I can get the most hp's for characters. Currently I have a fighter with 75 hp.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    karrick said:

    why? whats the point? oh yay i have all the shiniest of kit. Now i can tear through neshkel mines. YAWN.

    Character respeccing and a bag of holding =/= what you just said. I dont think that many people understand what 'cheating' in BG is actually used for.

  • karrickkarrick Member Posts: 40
    Mungri said:

    karrick said:

    why? whats the point? oh yay i have all the shiniest of kit. Now i can tear through neshkel mines. YAWN.

    Character respeccing and a bag of holding =/= what you just said. I dont think that many people understand what 'cheating' in BG is actually used for.

    Just play the game as its meant to be?! Its meant to be a challenge?
  • GygaxianProseGygaxianProse Member Posts: 201

    Its a CRPG, so whatev. There's no one to cheat in SP. Have fun with it.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    edited December 2012
    karrick said:

    Mungri said:

    karrick said:

    why? whats the point? oh yay i have all the shiniest of kit. Now i can tear through neshkel mines. YAWN.

    Character respeccing and a bag of holding =/= what you just said. I dont think that many people understand what 'cheating' in BG is actually used for.

    Just play the game as its meant to be?! Its meant to be a challenge?
    Its pretty difficult to go through a solo run with just 20 inventory slots and no bag of holding. I also don't like restarting my character every 10-30 minutes when I change my mind on where I put my proficiency or thief points.

    Just because a game was designed a certain way doesn't mean that this way is the most enjoyable. The EXP cap is another example that is terrible for trying to create a decent dual class character withing BG1, yet with the cap removed on a solo run, you can make quite a number of much more interesting builds.

    Also if you want to play the game the way it was designed, then go back to playing vanilla BG1 instead of BGEE. There are a vast number of cheats already put into this remake that calling anyone out for cheating for using the slightest modification is ironic.

    The modding community already did the best job at vastly improving BG1. BGEE is really just a dire rip off of what modders had already done, with very minor differences and a hell of a lot more bugs. This game is definitely not how BG1 was meant to be played, so I hope I don't have to hear that excuse again.
  • CarstonCarston Member Posts: 36
    Isn't it suppose to be difficult without cheats and mods?
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    edited December 2012
    Well it definitely isn't difficult without cheats and mods.

    As already mentioned, BGEE is itself one giant cheat and a mod, so people playing this really have no reason to complain about those things.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    I use Shadowkeeper to create the game I want. Mostly aesthetic stuff like changing avatars. Sometimes a bit of stat tweaking to something I find more realistic, but I don't give all 18's or anything even close to that.

    I changed Neera into a sorceress, and Rasaad into a cleric, so I can enjoy getting to know them and have them be actually useful in my party.
  • GuarocuyaGuarocuya Member Posts: 26
    Fathuran said:

    Nah, you're not the only dirty one. I admit that I CTRL+8 my stats at character creation because I hate re-rolling. I'd like to explain before I get lynched though, I don't max out my stats and since I tend to play 'In-Character', I always give my characters the attributes I believe they should have, and my charnames usually leave a lot of things to be desired. In fact, some of the stats I give a lot of my characters make them quite abysmal. By no means do I do it to make the game 'easier' and the last time I actually cheated in a manner aside from that was when I was 11 years old and didn't have morals at the time, lol. Nowadays I don't enjoy outright, blatant cheating via spawning items or console killing... so I hope that has people forgive me for scumming my stats.. maybe?

    I use Shadowkeeper to create the game I want. Mostly aesthetic stuff like changing avatars. Sometimes a bit of stat tweaking to something I find more realistic, but I don't give all 18's or anything even close to that.

    I changed Neera into a sorceress, and Rasaad into a cleric, so I can enjoy getting to know them and have them be actually useful in my party.

    Along those lines, I limit myself to 90-92 points per character when "re-rolling" them through Shadowkeeper. Basically, I play a multi-player game with the NPC's the game brings so as to keep quests and banters available.

    So in my current playthrough I have:
    PC Sorcerer (Dart)
    Branwen Ranger-Cleric (Flail/Warhammer)
    Dorn Blackguard (Two-handed sword)
    Rasaad Monk (Scimitar)
    Imoen Fighter/Thief (Long bow/Short bow)
    Neera Wild Mage (Sling)
  • BlackIvoryBlackIvory Member Posts: 75
    I "rerolled" using Shadowkeeper. Basically just took 2 points from my Cha into my INT for a score of 18 intelligence (playing a mage, and had made some mistakes i understood later) . Might add some points into Charisma only for opening more gameplay options
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    edited December 2012
    Well see, I've used shadowkeeper to change my proficiencies as I changed my build idea, but I kept my 91 point roll with 17 INT for my swash / mage, because I also wanted 12 Wis to boost with tomes for lore, and I didnt want lower than 8 CHA.

    If I rolled higher I would have increased my CHA. I plan to do two playthroughs anyway so will get 2 int tomes for 19 int.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    There is no right or wrong way to play the game. Play in the way you enjoy the most
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