Magma bulwark +2 in the description says Armor Class 1 but when you put the armor on it only does AC 3. Also you can wear it with rings of protection, idk if its suppose to be that way.
Just picked up The Magma Bulwark chest piece. In the item information screen it shows the item has AC: 1. However, when equipped it shows the AC to be 3.
It appears that the Magma Bulwark has been partially fixed (v2014).
It is now considered a Plate Mail +2 and its base AC is 1, however the modifier vs. slashing is wrong. Currently is +1 instead of +3. The description says correctly "Armor Class: 1 (-2 vs. slashing)" and this seams to confirm that the modifier should indeed be +3 (like other magical and non-magical Plate Mail armours).
It looks like the Magma Bulwark +2 (PLAT24.ITM) is still bugged in BGEE 1.2
Observed behaviour: the modifier vs. slashing is inconsistent with the armour description.
Proposed solution: either change the modifier or the description. I would rather change the former for consistency with other plate armours (e.g. PLAT01.ITM).
Just letting someone know.
check out those pics and see if it makes sense. Unless I'm reading something wrong, its not adding up
I think this is the case of the item properties being wrong and the description being right.
It appears that the Magma Bulwark has been partially fixed (v2014).
It is now considered a Plate Mail +2 and its base AC is 1, however the modifier vs. slashing is wrong. Currently is +1 instead of +3. The description says correctly "Armor Class: 1 (-2 vs. slashing)" and this seams to confirm that the modifier should indeed be +3 (like other magical and non-magical Plate Mail armours).
Sorry for the double post, but I've just learned from @Jalily that editing a tag in a post won't send a notification.
It looks like the Magma Bulwark +2 (PLAT24.ITM) is still bugged in BGEE 1.2
Observed behaviour: the modifier vs. slashing is inconsistent with the armour description.
Proposed solution: either change the modifier or the description. I would rather change the former for consistency with other plate armours (e.g. PLAT01.ITM).