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I want to make BG:EE mods, where do I start?

AlequeAleque Member Posts: 149
I would like to create a few mods for BG:EE but I have no idea where to start? Are there any tools or tutorials on where to begin?
Thanks in advance


  • SFischSFisch Member Posts: 59
    It's hard to make a recommendation at this point. Many of the tools that worked for BG and BG2 are in need of updates to ensure compatibility. Typically, Near Infinity, DLTCEP, and Weidu are the tools of the trade. One tutorial index I usually refer to is Spellhold's tutorial compilation.

    Furthermore, to get DLTCEP and Weidu to recognize BGEE's file structure, you'll need to create both an override folder and a hard copy of your dialog.tlk.

    Lastly, you need a good text editor. I use ConTEXT. Some players have even created tp2 highlighters for ConTEXT, which definitely helps with coding.
  • sersafirsersafir Member Posts: 126
    From what I've read, they will be releasing "friendlier" modding tools (I could be wrong though). I'm not sure when, but I wouldn't bother learning how to mod the ancient way if it would be more effecient to do it the new way.
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    You'd be surprised how easy things are once you grasp the basics. :)
  • SFischSFisch Member Posts: 59
    True! Scripting and dialogue, for example, all follow the same conventions. It's just the actions and triggers that need looking up as to how they work and such.
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