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Half-Orcs Hiding Their Heritage - High Charisma?

A Half-Orc with a high charimsa.... Based on AD&D when we used to play back in the day, Half-Orcs with high enough charisma could appear human (for the most part, ears may still be pointed, other features may shine through), but at any rate, you could hide a lot of their Orcish heritage. Could a Half-Orc with an 18 Charisma even be attractive? I know in Baldur's Gate that you're a Bhaalspawn, so you're kind of special anyway. I just like the idea of being a Half-Orc without people widely knowing you're one. That being said the description of the race says their heritage is "visible for all to see". Wanted to get people's opinions.


  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited December 2012
    Well, Cha isn't based only on looks, remember. It's also how charming or "magnetic" the personality, how persuasive the individual is, and overall how one carries oneself tends to command respect (possibly even if others dislike the individual).

    For example, someone who has a powerful, intimidating, and magnetic presence personality-wise--even if he or she is a schmuck, or isn't particularly physically attractive according to social standards--can be very charismatic in real life.
    Post edited by Lemernis on
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    Lemernis said:

    Well, Cha isn't based only on looks, remember. It's also how charming or "magnetic" the personality, how persuasive the individual is, and overall how one carries oneself tends to command respect (possibly even if they dislike the individual).

    That's truth. Tho, I would think for the example described (if its even feasible) a high charisma would be a must.
  • PhilhelmPhilhelm Member Posts: 473
    Perhaps it could be more easily imagined if the "half-orc" was actually only 1/4 orcish.
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  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    Dorn looks like a monster from a Stephen King book.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    At any rate, characters are supposed to be unique so I guess writing a background and having a decent portrait that's not too orcish but not too human, elven, or anything else, would go far to selling it. I'll see what I can come up with. I do kind of like the mysterious origin idea. Everyone assumes you're something you're not.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    Yeah, charisma isn't all about looks (in games or real life)...use Hitler as an example....short, ugly, not at all like the "ideal nazi" they were always spouting about, and yet they worshipped him almost like a god...hell there's even a few deluded fools that STILL do.

    Adolf Hitler, Human Thief Chaotic Evil 13/11/9/11/7/21 (Chose a thief since he likes sneak attacks and suffers from a chronic backstabbing disorder)
  • PhilhelmPhilhelm Member Posts: 473
    Another idea is that the half-orc could be of half elven (not half-elven) or perhaps even half Aasimar lineage, which could make him look different from the typical half-orc.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    @Philhelm - I like that idea!
  • WorgWorg Member Posts: 170
    I personally have always considered half orcs to be repulsive. Might as well be a half dog or a half cow. Making monsters into characters is I suppose classic, e.g Frankenstein. But hiding your true heritage? What would a half-elf with high charisma look like? an elf or a human? what is less ugly? No, a half-elf is a race by itself and can by definition not fully look like either.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    I think Dorn's picture is extremely handsome to be honest. Part of the reason why I use it on these forums. Handsome half-orc? C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!
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