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ENG voice acting with non-ENG language text & dialog


A new feature that should be available is the choice for the players (in options or whatever) to use the voice acting in english along with the text of the other languages (italian, french, german, polish...).


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    That would be kind of neat but I have a feeling a mod could do that very easily.
  • MeraMera Member Posts: 133
    edited December 2012
    The selling point of EE is to avoid such "a mod could do that". If I want to display the text in whatever language I want (presumably native language) and hear the voice in whatever language I want (presumably English because it's the original work), I should be able to do it easily, within the settings.
    I feel like for an RPG, it's one of the most important feature to have for non-English speaking players (and there's a lot of them).
    I have already made post in that sens, hope it gets implemented when the patch with localisation is out.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    edited December 2012
    Mera said:

    The selling point of EE is to avoid such "a mod could do that". If I want to display the text in whatever language I want (presumably native language) and hear the voice in whatever language I want (presumably English because it's the original work), I should be able to do it easily, within the settings.
    I feel like for an RPG, it's one of the most important feature to have for non-English speaking players (and there's a lot of them).
    I have already made post in that sens, hope it gets implemented when the patch with localisation is out.

    Umm well actually one of the selling points of EE is that compared to the previous games is that it makes modding easier . So avoiding "a mod could do that" is the generally speaking the exact opposite of one of the purposes of making the enhanced edition. But you are right it would be good for them to put it in the localisation patch.
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