My sorcerer any good
Hi guys. I made a sorcerer, didnt want to re roll so its:
STR 10
DEX 14
CON 10
INT 18
WIS 14
CH 16
My party members all have more total points than my main character. I am playing on hard difficulty, is it good enough and do you have some advices? Thanks
STR 10
DEX 14
CON 10
INT 18
WIS 14
CH 16
My party members all have more total points than my main character. I am playing on hard difficulty, is it good enough and do you have some advices? Thanks
There isn't really any IDEAL unless you roll a REALLY high number, you should be able to do fine with what you currently have honesty.
Everything else including INT can be dumped. In BG2 you may want a high wisdom for wish spells, but INT doesnt do anything towards a sorcerers spell casting, and neither does CHA.
a Sorcerer has no use for Intelligence other than Lore or conversation.
Make Wis = 18 so you can use the Wish spells effectively in BG2.
Dex = 18 for a better AC early on in the game (+ you may actually hit something with your sling or darts in the beginning of the game
Con = 16 for better HP which helps early on
The other stats are negligible to a Sorc.
Dont make a human Sorc, thats just bad.