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Is this a bug?

Hey all it has been a while since I played the original Baldurs Gate and didnt know if this is something that needed fixing..

In the woods/cliffs area just before Nashkel/Carnival (where you fight the Hobgoblins around the fire) there is a cave at the bottom left of the map surrounded by water. I cannot enter the cave (no 'enter door' cursor or whatever). Is this cave supposed to be enterable, and if so, has anybody else tried to enter it?



  • mas0mas0 Member Posts: 7
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    Its not enterable, no... wasn't in the original BG either.
  • mas0mas0 Member Posts: 7
    Elendar said:

    Its not enterable, no... wasn't in the original BG either.


  • AscerionAscerion Member Posts: 271
    I saw it and tried to enter it as well...hmm. Maybe it's going to be a DLC? Lol, I can dream, right?
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    Ascerion said:

    I saw it and tried to enter it as well...hmm. Maybe it's going to be a DLC? Lol, I can dream, right?

    The "cave" existed in the vanilla version but you couldn't enter it then, either.... it was probably forgotten or just there for decoration :P
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