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So Rasaad's story [Spoilers]

When does it begin?

So far all Rasaad has been doing is embarrassing me and making Dorn look even cooler with his hilarious ineptitude. And I've been patient, because I want to do the extra content with him. I'm about to enter BG and still no quest. In fact, he only told me about his brother dying, then completely shut up. The rage is starting to rise.


  • etaglocetagloc Member Posts: 349
    not before you reach baldursgate. : )
  • SedSed Member Posts: 790
    Docks area in BG :-)
  • DrexxikDrexxik Member Posts: 18
    Is his story worth it? Because frankly he is terrible. I'm startintg to be quite tired of watching him rush ahead passing my other melee fighters just to be ripped to shreads in split second.
  • Grimo88Grimo88 Member Posts: 191

    No, I don't think his story is worth it. It is utterly predictable, and the new cloud peaks area is uninspired but for a clever riddle game. Easy fights (even with Rasaad yn Useless in tow) and blurry textures. I recommend crossing it off the list so you can say you've seen the new content, but wow, talk about a crappy reward for patience and persistence. To be honest, the quality of the new content gives me little hope for a BG3 by Beamdog.
  • DrexxikDrexxik Member Posts: 18
    Ah that's a shame. I guess I will ditch him until Baldurs gate and then pick him up just for the quest.
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