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Multiplayer conversation interruption

I read somewhere on the forums prior to release that this was gonna be fixed, that you'd only be notified of a conversation initiated by someone else in multiplayer if it was an important one. However when we're playing multiplayer the other player still has to watch every single conversation take place. Have we missed an option or didn't this feature make the cut?


  • knasknas Member Posts: 50
  • knasknas Member Posts: 50
    I noticed this was mentioned in the EE game manual even. But the feature is NOT there. You can't even talk to a shopkeeper at the same time without interrupting your friends shopping.
  • ST4TICStrikerST4TICStriker Member Posts: 162
    I Believe it will be updated post-release, most likely when they introduce matchmaking.
  • GoForTheEyesBooGoForTheEyesBoo Member Posts: 97
    I saw in another thread this would not be implemented. Perhaps a beta tester, moderator or team member could comment? Because it really is rather annoying :)
  • knasknas Member Posts: 50
    It's a shame if it's not, it was one of those things that for me made BGEE a buy.
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